The only weirdness you might notice in the test code has to do with operator invocation, in this case, the+ method on the Rational class. 您惟一可能觉得古怪的地方是操作符调用,在本例中就是Rational类中的+方法。
And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we call it love. 当我们找到那个和我们怪得很和谐的人的时候,我们就称之为爱。
I want us to clear up the weirdness. 我想我们之间要把事情说明白。
We're all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. 我们都是小怪咖,生活也是这样。当发现一个人的怪能和自己对得上,就和他/她站一行,称其为爱。
He ′ s a little weirdness and tension. 感觉他怪怪的,还有一点紧张。
I tell you that all the weirdness around here is courtesy of Mr skin grafts himself. 我告诉你这儿所有的怪事,都是''皮肤移植''先生所赐。
It's so fantastic and dripping with weirdness and irony that it's almost a put-on, until you realize it's not. 这是如此美妙和浸着的怪事和讽刺,这几乎是一个把上,直到你意识到这不是。
Those figures fully manifest the most marked characteristic of deformation art, i. e. their weirdness and oddness. 这些形象充分显示了变形艺术的最突出的特征,即形象的怪诞、离奇。
There's just enough weirdness to make you stop and think, but not quite enough to get you to re-evaluate the entire relationship. 足够的古怪让你停下来考虑,但是却不足以让你重新评估整个关系。
What fascinates all of us is the very weirdness of these creatures from the deep ocean. 吸引我们所有人的正是这些深海生物的怪诞神奇。
But then in China, learning English has become a great event and it will not be conducted in a quiet environment as one can find unending weirdness. 而在国内,英语变得很大件事,不会在平静的环境下进行,怪诞事物层出无穷。
Most of my photographs originate in the random chaos of the street, in the ambient weirdness of everyday life. 一个街头摄影师。我的照片大多拍摄于街头随便混乱,在日常生活环境的趣事。
On the Origin of Weirdness in Japanese Modern Fiction: With Respect to Chinese Literature 日本近世小说怪异性溯源&以与中国文学的关联为中心
Everything's closing in, weirdness on the periphery. 一切都在逼近,而且边缘古里古怪的。
But my point isthat because of computer weirdness, I regularly see an entire morning's work? Sometimes as many as18 words? Get blipped away forever to the planet of lost data. 不过我要说的是,由于电脑的古怪脾气,我经常看到整整一个早上的工作成果有时候多达18个单词永远消失了,去了“丢失的数据之星”。
Find and deliver WOW, Create fun and a little weirdness, live to be ourselves. 在生活中寻找并传递WOW,创造快乐和一点点的奇特,真实的生活。
Today, I meet a people who is bron same date to me, it's matherfxxk weirdness! 今天遇到了一个同校而且同年同月同日生的人,离奇到家了!
Well, I promise, no weirdness from me. 好吧,说真的,我一点都不奇怪。
What deep psychological weirdness does this represent? 这代表了什么深层次的心理怪癖?
There is something familiar in the banality of the riddle too, and in the weirdness of its poser. 也有一些是熟悉的平庸的谜太多,以及在其波塞尔的怪事。
Why don't we just fast forward all this weirdness? 为什么我们不让尴尬快点过去?
Kago is taking the manga comic form and breaking it open into little chunks of weirdness, self-reflexivity, and super-trippy formal experiments. 驾笼将原有的漫画形式打破,并置入大部分的怪诞、自我反思,以及迷幻试验的题材。
You think I don't get the weirdness factor? 你认为我没看到古怪因素吗?
I'm also not talking about the sort of weirdness that isolates you from other people. 我也不是在说那些把你孤立于其他人之外的奇怪事情的种类。
The experience of d é j à vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness"," strangeness"," weirdness", or what Sigmund Freud calls" the uncanny ". 这种似曾相识的经历通常都伴有强烈的熟悉感,同时还会觉得“怪诞”、“陌生”、“异常”,或者像弗洛伊德所说的“诡异”。
Weirdness and Visionariness& Aesthetic Features in plots of Classical chinese Tragedies 奇异·虚幻&中国古典悲剧情节的审美特征
Bakhtin is a theory master of western weird style research of the 20th century. From the relations be-tween weirdness and the culture of folk humor, carnivalesque, Bakhtin made a unique interpretation of weirdness. 巴赫金是西方20世纪怪诞风格研究的理论大师,他从怪诞与民间诙谐文化、狂欢化这一整体出发,对怪诞做出了独特的阐释。
He creates a world full of strangeness, weirdness and horror in his horror fictions. 在恐怖小说中,他创造了一个个远离尘嚣、似曾相识、充满怪异和恐怖的心灵世界。