It will please both the beginner and the advanced photographer with its consistently well-exposed and sharp results. 这将请双方初学者和先进的摄影师其一贯良好的揭露和尖锐的结果。
The horizon of Precambrian-Cambrian in Yichang, Hubei Province, is well developed and well-exposed, the classic section of the domestic and international Ediacaran-Cambrian located on this area. 湖北宜昌地区是国内外埃迪卡拉系-寒武系研究的经典剖面所在地。
Tarim Basin in the western region is the continuous development of our marine Cretaceous and a few well-exposed areas. 塔里木盆地西部地区是我国海相白垩系连续发育并出露良好的少数地区。