He is well-travelled, and is a man of wide experience. 他去过许多地方,见多识广。
At two years of age, Blue Ivy Carter is one of the most well-travelled children in the world. 虽然只有2岁,但是布露·艾薇·卡特和全世界的其他孩子比起来,她的阅历可谓是数一数二了。
Master Explorers'Guild house is always headed by a truly well-travelled scholar, who has seen enough of known world to be considered an authority on how to discover what lies beyond. 探险大师行会一般由颇负盛名的探险大师主持,此人足迹遍及已知世界,其丰富探险经验足以指导如何开拓未知的土地。
The British are quite likely to learn foreign languages but tend not to be well-travelled. 英国人非常喜欢学外语,但却并不爱旅游。
They were all well-travelled people. 他们都是见多识广的人。
Well-travelled recruits may not like this. 有留学经历的新员工可能不会喜欢这样。
What is new is that practically every other wine-producing country I can think of nowadays is also reaping the benefits of a new, enthusiastic, well-travelled, well-trained and totally committed generation of wine producers determined to make the best wine. 新奇的是,新一代葡萄酒酿造商正在起巨大作用,他们充满热情,游历丰富,受训良好,非常投入,在我能想到的其它所有出产葡萄酒的国家,他们都决意要酿出最好的葡萄酒。