Am I right in thinking you're the only person in the club who's actually played at Wembley? 我想你是这个俱乐部中唯一一个真正在温布利打过比赛的人,对吗?
A capacity crowd of 76,000 people was at Wembley football stadium for the event. 温布利球场座无虚席,76,000人前来观看这场比赛。
Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley 泰勒再次一改常规地宣布英格兰队将在温布利球场进行训练。
Brazilian soccer boss Carlos Parreira hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley. 昨晚巴西足球队主帅卡洛斯·佩雷拉因球队被禁止在温布利球场训练而大发雷霆。
At 29 Russell must be one of the youngest ever Wembley referees 29岁的拉赛尔一定是有史以来温布利球场上的裁判员中最年轻的一个。
Scotland beat England one-nil at Wembley. 苏格兰队在温布利球场以1比0击败了英格兰队。
Mason was outclassed by Lennox Lewis in his tragic last fight at Wembley 梅森在他悲剧性的最后一场拳击比赛中于文布利惨败给了伦诺克斯·刘易斯。
England performed so well against France at Wembley 在温布利球场上,英格兰队表现出色,击败了法国队。
We know it won't be plain sailing at Wembley because there are no easy games at this level. 我们知道在温布利不会顺风顺水,因为在这一级别就没有轻松的比赛。
Wembley is the showpiece stadium in this country. 温布利球场是该国最具代表性的体育场。
Supergroup U2 will appear at Wembley Stadium on April 20. 4月20日,超人气乐团 U2将现身温布利体育场。
Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert 埃尔顿和埃里克·克拉普顿在温布利举行的一场摇滚音乐会上联袂演出,征服了数千位听众。
Important football matches are played at Wembley stadium. 重要的足球赛在温布利体育场举行。
The six hour frenzy will take place at Wembley Arena, London and other locations across the country. 这个长达六个小时的狂欢活动将会在温布利体育场、伦敦及英国的其他地区举行。
The sight of that wally hiding under a brolly at Wembley Stadium will haunt me for years to come. 那个在温布利躲在伞下的苏格兰人会让我恶心到明年。
I'm fortunate enough to have won it a few times but I'd love to play at Wembley in an FA Cup final with Liverpool before I finish. 我足够幸运的赢得了几次,但我想要在我退役之前,与利物浦一起在温布利踢足总杯决赛。
Now we're going over to Wembley for commentary on the cup final. 现在我们将要听到发自温布利体育场的关于杯赛决赛的实况报道。
Like most kids I grew up dreaming of scoring the winner in an FA Cup final at Wembley. 就像大多是孩子,我小时候就梦想着能在温布利的足总杯决赛上进球。
England have enjoyed one happy ending from a penalty shootout, against Spain at Wembley in Euro'96. 英格兰享受了点球大战的美好结局,是在1996年欧洲杯对战西班牙的比赛中。
The cup final at wembley. 在伦敦温布利球场举行的足总杯决赛。
Together with Wembley we've tried to improve ticketing this year. 今年的赛事我们对票价进行了调整。
Ladies and Gentlemen, yesterday at Wembley we might have lost the Cup but you the Liverpool people have won everything. 女士们先生们,昨天在温布利我们输掉了杯赛,但是你们这些利物浦人赢得了一切。
Although one route to Wembley has now been blocked, Gerrard insists the players will be going all out to give the fans a Cup final day to look forward to when the FA Cup gets underway in January. 虽然到达温布利球场的一条路现在已经被堵上了,杰拉德坚持认为,在一月份足总杯开始时,球员们会全力以赴,给球迷送上一个期待已久的杯赛决赛日。
It was the first time I'd played at Wembley and some of the football we produced was unbelievable. 这也是我第一次在温布利踢球,我们踢得很棒。
What would it mean to you to play at Wembley? 能在温布利踢球对你来说有特别的意义吗?
He played very well at Wembley yesterday. 他昨天在温布里玩得很好。
Ron Greenwood almost equalled that total for his first match in charge, a Wembley friendly against Switzerland in1977. 容格林伍德几乎在他执教的第一场比赛,1977年温布利对阵瑞士队的友谊赛中追平这一记录。
We are going to the dogs at Wembley tomorrow, will you come? 明天我们到温布利去看狗比赛,你去不去?
1992-An all-star concert in memory of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury is held at Wembley Stadium in London. 1992年的今天,一场为纪念“皇后”乐队的灵魂人物佛莱迪·摩克瑞的全明星演唱会在伦敦的温布利体育场举行。
The Frenchman congratulates captain Tony Adams after winning the FA Cup at Wembley in1998. 1998年在温布利大球场,取得足总杯决赛胜利之后温格向队长亚当斯表示祝贺。