n. 卫斯理(Charles,1707—1788,英国传教士及圣诗作家;John,1703—1791,英国神学家,传教士美以美教会创始人)
Wesley: Do you think he has given up on marketing? 卫斯理:你想他已经放弃做行销的念头了吗?
Wesley: But our department needs him. 卫斯里:但我的部门很需要他。
Wesley: This marketing job might be a dream come true for Joseph. 卫斯理:这份行销工作对约瑟夫而言可能是梦想成真。
Wesley: You're right. I'll talk to him tomorrow. 卫斯理:你说得没错。我明天就找他谈。
Wesley: If Joseph transfers to the marketing department, I'll lose my best employee! 卫斯理:如果约瑟夫调到行销部,我会失去我最好的下属!
He is an asset to Wesley and the entire advertising department. 对卫斯理和整个广告部门而言,他是一个不可多得的人才。
Kelsey Wesley, a Washington Mutual employee says employees are nervous. 华盛顿互惠银行雇员凯尔西·韦斯利说,银行的雇员都感到紧张担心。
Wesley: Joseph's dedication to his work makes my job so much easier. 卫斯理:约瑟夫对工作尽心尽力,让我做事轻松多了。
Wesley Most came up with the experiment that shows the cause. WesleyMost进行了一个实验来说明此原因。
Paul Wesley has played two different characters on The Vampire Diaries vampire Stefan and immortal gypsy Silas but he's about to take on a new role: Director. 在《吸血鬼日记》中,PaulWesley扮演了Stefan和不死的吉普赛人Silas不过他很快又要迎来一个新角色:导演。
Stefan ( Paul Wesley) learned about Elena ( Nina Dobrev) and Damon ( Ian Somerhalder) in the last episode of The Vampire Diaries and hes not handling it well. 上集《吸血鬼日记》中,斯蒂凡(保罗韦斯利)在发现了艾琳娜(妮娜杜波夫)和达蒙(伊恩萨默海尔德)的秘密后就不淡定了。
Paul Wesley is reportedly dating his former The Vampire Diaries co-star Phoebe Tonkin, Us Weekly reports. 据《美国周刊》报道,保罗韦斯利和吸血鬼日记的前合作演员,饰演狼女海莉的菲比托金恋爱。
My favorite male cast member was Paul Wesley. 我最喜欢的男演员是PaulWesley。
Arthur F.Burns and Wesley C.Mitchell provided the classical definition. 阿瑟楼角伯恩斯和韦斯利米切尔提供了经典的定义。
What do Wesley and Laura do? 韦斯利和劳拉是做什么的?
Of or relating to John or Charles Wesley or to methodism. 约翰或查理斯卫斯理的或卫理公会的或与之相关的。
Between them, Wesley and Bowen scored the Rockets 'last eight points. 这两人,米老鼠和鲍文射下了火箭队最后的八分。
There is something wonderful about a country that produces a brave and humble man like Wesley Autrey. 一个国家培养出像韦斯利·奥特雷这样勇敢和谦虚的人,真是可喜可贺。
David Wesley replaced McGrady in the Rockets 'starting lineup against the Hornets. 大卫.韦斯利在对黄蜂的比赛中代替麦克格雷迪首发。
When she reached Wesley Chapel, she was breathless and dizzy and sick at her stomach. 她到达韦斯利教堂前面时已累得头晕气喘,胃里也很不舒服了。
A deriving founded on the principles of John and Charles Wesley. 起源于约翰和查尔斯韦斯利法则。
"I'll be watching every chance I get," says Wesley. “我会看每一个机会,我得到的,”韦斯利说。
Everyone thought Wesley was crazy to dance on the table. 大家都认为卫斯理一定是疯了,才会在桌上跳舞。
John Wesley was introduced to the Master by a porter. 约翰卫斯理是通过一个搬运工人才知道主的宣言的。
John Wesley founded the Methodist Church. 约翰·卫斯理创建了循道宗教堂。
About Wesley and Whitefield, no movement in English history compares with theirs. 谈到卫斯理和怀特菲尔德,英国历史上没有一次运动比得他们的运动。
Wesley and Laura are computer programmers. 韦斯利和劳拉是电脑程序师。
Wesley: this marketing job might be a dream come true for joseph. I should wholeheartedly recommend him. 卫斯里:销售部的职位或许对约瑟夫来说,是他梦想成真的最佳途径。我应该全心全意推荐他才是。
And your son Wesley was involved. 你们的儿子wesley也被卷入其中。