
英 [ˈwɛstəliz] 美 [ˈwɛstərliz]

n.  西风


  1. Strong westerlies, at times, have been observed near the tropopause over Recife, Brasil, approximately9o from the equator.
  2. Shaded areas are westerlies.
  3. The Structures and Evolutions of the Wintertime Southern Branch Trough in the Subtropical Westerlies
  4. However, the direction of the new Westerlies, and the location of land masses and known volcanic regions, and thus the direction of the heaviest ash fall, can be easily gauged.
  5. The results show that the first episodes of torrential rain occurs before the onset of summer monsoon and is mainly induced by synoptic systems in subtropical westerlies;
  6. During the negative BWA summer, equatorial westerlies are weaker than the climatological mean since the above physical process is weakened with the equatorial eastward propagating BSISO weaker.
  7. Deserts may or may not remain as today, as the prevailing Westerlies will change direction, bringing moisture laden air from a different direction.
  8. The complexities of the northern belt of westerlies are well illustrated in climates in the United States.
  9. The circulation features in the westerlies, especially, distribution and variation of the upper – level westerlies play an important role in controlling the different tracks.
  10. The westerlies situation is stable.
  11. The prevailing south-west winds or the Westerlies blow over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate;
  12. The belts of prevailing westerlies in general have moderate average temperature.
  13. NAKRI will travel E/ ENE under the influence of the westerlies.
  14. The convection appeared when the cold air of westerlies met the southwest air flow in the west of subtropical high.
  15. Amplification of westerlies trough and ridge in Southern Hemisphere mid-high latitude and augmentation of subtropical system meridional circulation in Northern Hemisphere are significant role of the Asian summer monsoon onset.
  16. The relationship between the main characteristics of the Pacific subtropical high and typhoon tracks during the occurrence of the westerly belt long-wave trough over some specific regions in Asia is discussed according to the interaction between the mid-latitude westerlies and the circulation system in the subtropical region.
  17. Both of the westerlies and the monsoon are driven by the divergence source and the convergence sink at subtropical region. The winter monsoon enhances the westerlies and its precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere while the summer monsoon has completely the opposite case.
  18. On the estimation of movement and development of the troughs and wedges in the westerlies
  19. The close relation is also represented by the relationship between the utilizable water resource and the synoptic system of westerlies and subtropical belt.
  20. At this time if a trough in the south branch of the westerlies moves eastward over this cold cushion, then there offen appears a trough and frontogenesis in the region surface high.
  21. Influence of the Stationary Disturbance in the Westerlies on the Blocking Highs over the Northeastern Asia in Summer
  22. The Abnormal Activity of the Westerlies System and Its Impacts on 2003 Summer Heavy Rainfall over Huaihe Basins
  23. The connection between profile characteristics of the westerlies and seasonal characters of atmospheric circulation pattern are studied used observation data.
  24. It shows that these equatorial westerlies are an important basic current in the low latitudes in Indian Ocean.
  25. Results show that the variation of the position and the intensity of the western Pacific subtropical high play a crucial role in going northward typhoons. Furthermore, the middle-latitude westerlies systems and the South Asian High actions have an important influence on typhoon ′ s northward movements.
  26. Arid Central Asia is one of the most sensitive area response to climate change because it is a converge area of three main climatic systems ( westerlies, East Asia monsoon and polar airmass).