No westerner could fly in without a visa. 没有签证的西方人不能乘飞机入境。
Therefore, when a Westerner says he is going to start a family, he means he is going to have the first child. 因此,当一个西方人说他要开始有一个家庭了,他的意思是他快要由第一个孩子了。
That was the answer I got from a well known westerner in Europe few years before. 这些是几年前我从一个欧洲人那里听到的消息。
A.Who was the first westerner that discovered the giant panda? What did he or her do? 第一个发现大熊猫的西方人是谁?他是从事什么职业的?
And how does a westerner see each of the12 animals in the Chinese zodiac? 但是西方人是怎么看待中国的黄历中的十二生肖呢?
For the westerner, the roots of independence run deep. 对这位西方人来说,独立的根子扎得很深。
For a Westerner Asia seems all the same: Mostly they think, every Asian is very polite and hands you his business cards with both hands. 对大部分的西方人而言,亚洲人都一样:西方人认为,每一个亚洲人都非常有礼貌,而且都会双手奉上自己的名片。
Her aim is to marry a westerner and live abroad. 她的目标是嫁给西方人,住到国外。
Today the messages your average Westerner is bombarded with are not religious but commercial, and forever happy. 今天你的平均西方人一起炮击的信息不是宗教性的但是商业,和永远地快乐。
Who plays the hero, a Chinese or a Westerner? 是谁主演的呢?中国人还是西方人?
Westerner: Contact to related person only. 西方人只和相关的人接触;
But the westerner receives time the gift must work as visitor's surface is opening immediately and praises repeatedly. 而西方人收到礼物时要当着客人的面马上打开并连声称好。
Westerner: I am sorry, that is the deepest impression I get when I go to China. 西方人:很遗憾,这是我到达中国后最深的印象。
Westerner: individualism, think of himself or herself. 西方人独立性强,只考虑他或她自己;
As a Westerner, you're an automatic target on this street, and no one ever gives up on selling you anything. 身为西方人,你在这条大街上自然而然就成了一个目标,谁都不会放弃向你推销的机会。
How much can a young westerner share of a young israeli's real life? 一个西方的年轻人能体会到多少一个以色列年轻人真正的生活?
Westerner's View: Wang Peng should speak to Adam directly about their lack of communication. 西方人的观点:王鹏应该向亚当直接进行沟通。
Mr. Kennedy ( Westerner): OK, thanks. 肯尼迪先生:(西方人):好吧,多谢了。
Westerner: Take any steps to solve the problems. 西方人采取措施解决问题;
Westerner: Yes. a Great nation that still have a lot to learn. 西方人:是的。一个强大的国家依然有很多需要学习。
It is this outlook that strikes the Westerner as barbaric. 正是这种文化视野和看法不同,而被西欧人误认为不文明。
I cannot successfully engage in a conversation with a westerner without defining things and showing borders. 如果不给事物下定义、划界限,我就无法与一个西方人成功交谈。
The westerner's reaction to his environment was natural enough. 西部的人对于环境的反应是极其自然的。
Afterwards, he became the first Westerner to open a martial arts school in Japan. 后来他成了在日本开办武术学校的首位西方人。
D.A Westerner eating in a Chinese home. 一个西方人饮食在中国的家。
A Westerner visiting China now may not get any cultural shock, but he is sure to be surprised at the tremendous speed of China's economic construction. 现在一个西方人来到中国访问,不一定会因为文化上的差异而感到震惊,但他必定会对中国经济建设速度之快感到惊奇。
Just an old-fashioned, everyday middle westerner. 全都是老式的,每天都是在美国中西部。
I am essentially a Westerner. 我本质上是一个西方人。
But I am not the only westerner who has written songs in Chinese. 但是我不是唯一写过中文歌的西方人。
Specially you, let me learn some westerner's culture. 特别是你,让我学到一些西方人的文化。