In 2006, he began to market the toy as the Ball of Whacks. 2006年,他开始向市场推出这款玩具,称为BallofWhacks。
"It took a couple of whacks with the shovel to realize that this was an impossible task with hand tools," Cushman says. 铲子的几次重击让我们意识到单靠手动工具是不可能完成这项工作的。
She whacks him across the carotid with a pipe. 她用铁管猛击他的颈动脉。
They want to see you take fewer whacks at bush. 他们想让你尽量少攻击布什。
Grizzly bear paw whacks camera out of position and jettisons it downstream? 是灰熊爪子的猛击让摄象机移位了,然后把它丢让它顺流而下了吗?
Borden took an axe, Hit her father forty whacks. 丽兹玻顿拿起斧头,砍爸爸十。