And zero times anything still comes out zero, no matter how many consultants are rummaging about with their whiteboards. 而零乘以任何数的结果依然是零,无论高层找了多少顾问来咨询。
Using Microsoft Word to record requirements represents a significant step up from keeping them on whiteboards or paper napkins, or in someone's head. 使用MicrosoftWord来记录需求,比起把它们写在白板或餐巾纸上,或者记在脑子里,已经是跨出了一大步。
Use simple tools such as index cards and whiteboards. 用简单工具,譬如索引卡和白板。
Participants use online collaboration tools like e-mail, chat, discussion forums, Web conferencing, shared whiteboards, and file sharing to promote collaboration. 参与者使用在线协作工具(如电子邮件、聊天室、论坛、Web会议、共享白板和文件共享)促进协作。
This logical arrangement is the one most likely to adorn the whiteboards of your workspace as you start working on new parts of the application. 这种逻辑安排是在开始处理应用程序的新组件时,最有可能增添到工作空间白板(whiteboard)中的内容之一。
Any separate modeling of architectural designs is informal and intuitive, and lives on whiteboards, in PowerPoint slides, or in the developers'heads. 任何分离的体系架构的设计模型都是不正规的和依靠直觉的,并且存在于白板上、PowerPoint幻灯片上或者开发人员的脑袋中。
In classrooms, interactive whiteboards allow information from a computer to be displayed in a way that teachers and students can engage with them. 课堂上,互动式白板可以用一种增强师生互动的方式,来展示出电脑上的信息。
Obviously whiteboards require markers and erasers. 当然,白板需要有配套的马克笔和板擦。
Or the team may choose to use a digital camera to record notes from flipcharts/ whiteboards so the photos can be upload a shared file space or transcribed onto a team wiki. 或者可以用数码相机记录下写字板纸/白板上的内容,照片可以上传到一个文件共享空间或传送到团队的wiki上。
You also need to check the room has at least a couple of metres of clear wall space or whiteboards. 你还需要一下检查室内,至少要有两米长的干净墙壁或白板。
He augments this with additional technology aids including whiteboards that can self-scan so that the contents can be easily shared. 此外,他还使用了额外的技术辅助手段,包括可以自扫描的白板,让内容轻松实现共享。
Magnetic whiteboards are expensive, but quite key. 有磁力的白板虽然价格昂贵,却是很关键的设备。
Melamine is widely used in plastics, adhesives, countertops, dishware, whiteboards. 三聚氰胺广泛用于塑料、粘合剂、厨房台面、餐具、白板。
From the very beginning, Agile emphasized the need for a different kind of environment-open space, wall-to-wall whiteboards, big visible charts, and even popcorn machines and refrigerators. 从一开始,敏捷就强调对于不同环境的需求&开发空间、从墙到墙的白板、大型可见图表,甚至是爆米花机和冰箱。
The process to replace all blackboards with electronic whiteboards can be arduous. 用电子白板取代所有的黑板会是非常困难的。
White Boards: The room should be covered with whiteboards. 白板:房间应布满白板。