He thought the poetry of Whitman barbarous. 他认为惠特曼的诗歌太粗俗。
Listening to the scratchy recording, I recognized Walt Whitman immediately. 听到沙哑的录音,我立刻知道那是沃尔特·惠特曼。
At any rate they have nothing to do with the extraverted Whitman of legend. 无论如何,这和传说中性格外倾的惠特曼并无关系。
A month later, apotheker was out as CEO and Whitman was in. 一个月后,李艾科辞职,惠特曼继任CEO。
"We are disappointed by the news," Whitman told CNBC. “听到这个消息,我们很失望,”惠特曼告诉消费者新闻与财经电视频道,但“担任董事会职务只能这么干。
Luckily, Whitman's profile is a big help in this department, according to Robinson. 而据罗宾逊称,幸运的是,惠特曼在这一领域的公众形象帮了大忙。
Now the job is all Whitman's. 现在,所有难题都落到了惠特曼头上。
Whitman is a current HP director and a strategic advisor at Kleiner Perkins. 惠特曼目前是惠普公司董事,以及凯鹏华盈投资公司(KleinerPerkins)的战略顾问。
"We couldn't force them to do it," says Whitman. “我们无法强迫他们这样做。”惠特曼是这样说的。
By pronouncing lower Manhattan safe, critics say, Whitman saved the insurance giant millions in cleanup costs. 评论家指出,惠特曼宣布曼哈顿下城地区是安全的这一做法使保险公司免去了上百万美元的清理费。
"We were not told to lie," says Whitman. “没人授意我们撒谎。”惠特曼如是说。
Whitman said that years of mergers and acquisitions have bloated HP's headcount. 惠特曼表示,多年的并购导致惠普的员工人数迅速膨胀。
Such a move would also give Whitman more time to focus on her responsibilities as CEO of HP. 而且,这种做法也可以给惠特曼更多时间,致力于履行惠普CEO的职责。
Ms. Whitman said 2014 would be a 'pivotal year' for H-P. 惠特曼说,2014年对惠普来说将是至关重要的一年。
But I do believe CEO Meg Whitman has made improvements. 但我的确相信,CEO梅格o惠特曼已经做了一些改进。
Whitman's war poetry is like a picturesque epic and has great value. 惠特曼的战争诗歌具有史诗画卷般的风采和价值。
Do you know why Whitman wrote the poem about Abraham Lincoln? 你知道惠特曼为什么要写这首关于亚伯拉罕.林肯的诗作吗?
And one of them asked e waiter about judge whitman. 他们当中有一个问起了whitman法官。
Today we tell about the well-known American poet, Walt Whitman. 今天我们为大家介绍美国著名的诗人,沃尔特?惠特曼。
Melville's contemporary, Walt whitman, was also a native of New York state. 和梅尔维尔同时代的华尔特?惠特曼,也是纽约人。
Thank you. I wouldn't want you to think me mad, sergeant whitman. 谢谢,我不想让你认为我疯了,惠特曼中士。
Abraham Lincoln slowly read through Whitman's Leaves of Grass and was changed by it. 亚伯拉罕·林肯花费大量时间精读惠特曼的《草叶集》,并因此而改变了自我。
"It's easy to sign up and say you are an organ donor," Whitman said. “这很容易注册并说你是器官捐赠者,”惠特曼说。
Walt Whitman notoriously wrote his own anonymous reviews, which would not be out of place today on Amazon. 沃尔特·惠特曼就为自己写过匿名评论,这种做法曾让他臭名昭著,但如今在亚马逊网站上则是见怪不怪了。
I'll just read Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman to him. 我会给他念艾米莉和惠特曼的诗。
But the Pentagon spokesman, Bryan whitman, said he believes experts will come up with a clear answer. 但是五角大楼发言人,布赖恩怀特曼,说他相信专家会给出一个明确的答案。
Whitman said she went public with her story because she hoped to inspire others to become organ donors. 惠特曼说,她之所以公开她的故事因为她希望能够激励其他人也成为器官捐献者。
Whitman would not say whether Gates has discussed his plans with President Obama. 惠特曼不肯透露盖茨是否已同奥巴马总统讨论了他的计划。
The use of these lists has reminded many of readers of the poet Walt Whitman. 这些细节的使用使许多读者回想起诗人瓦特·惠特曼。
United States frontier missionary who established a post in Oregon where Christianity and schooling and medicine were available to Native Americans (1802-1847)