Half the interviewees were entirely truthful, and half told at least three whoppers, lies they thought would make them more attractive candidates for the fake job. 有一半的面试者表现得十分诚实,而另一半则撒了至少三个弥天大谎使他们在模拟求职中更为突出。
Top of the list of whoppers is that Father Christmas really does exist and that he won't bring any presents unless you're good. 世界上第1大谎言要算圣诞老人真的存在;如果你表现好,这位白胡子老爷爷就会给你送来礼物了。
I heard me whoppers in my time, but that tops them all. 我听过不少吹牛,这个是最精彩的。
Is whoppers the best one? 特大号的就是最好的?
He loves telling whoppers, but I don't see why he always needs to exaggerate. 他喜欢撒大谎,但是我真不明白他为什么老是喜欢夸张。
He tells some absolute whoppers sometimes. 他有时会撒弥天大谎。
My lies are not necessarily whoppers, but are deceptions and distortions. 我撒的不一定是弥天大谎,但足以掩人耳目、扭曲事实。
I had always assumed CVs were riddled with evasions, half-truths and downright whoppers. 我向来认定,简历中充斥着遁辞、半真半假的事实和彻头彻尾的谎话。