T10 is a broadband sound, wide-angle wide-band multi-point to a small two-frequency speaker. T10是一款宽频响、宽指向角度的全频多用途小型两分频扬声器。
The adaptive grid technique in the physics optics algorithm of wide-band radome; 利用两个具有解析解的算例研究基于变分原理的自适应网格技术。
Methods to Improve Classification Performance of Wide-Band Detection System for Partial Discharge Pulse Signals 局部放电宽带检测系统分类性能的改善方法
Aimed at wide-band linear frequency modulation ( LFM) radar, a method of image deception signal generation was put forward. 针对宽带线性调频体制雷达,介绍了一种图像欺骗干扰信号的实现方法。
New wide-band DOA estimation algorithm based on propagator method 基于传播算子的宽带DOA估计新算法
China's first, wide-band, high-definition cable television network was introduced in Shenzhen Monday. 中国第一个高清晰度宽带有限电视网络系统于周一在深圳问世。
Wide-band& wide-angle characteristic is a significant topic in electromagnetic field. 宽带宽角特性是电磁研究领域具有重要意义的课题。
Fast Computation of Wide-angle and Wide-band RCS Based on AWE Technique 基于AWE技术的宽角度与宽频带RCS的快速计算
Wide-band voltage tunable oscillator Inductance-capacitance circuit having zero reactance, infinite susceptance at resonance. 宽带电压调谐振荡器谐振时电阻为零,电纳无穷大的电感-电容电路。
Wide-Band and High-Gain Operational Amplifier Using Digital Trimming 基于数字修调技术的宽带高增益运算放大器
The Design of Wide-band Fast Frequency Hopping Source in Phased-Array Antenna Based on DDS 基于DDS的有源相控阵天线宽带快速跳频源设计
A Novel SIW-DGS Wide-Band Bandpass Filter 一种新型的SIW-DGS宽带带通滤波器
A new method of wide-band LFM DOA estimation 一种新的宽带LFM信号到达角估计
Wide-band direction finding is a difficult topic of research in array signal processing field. 宽带测向一直是阵列信号处理领域研究的难点。
Compressive Wide-Band Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive radio Imaging system of synchronous sample and compression based on CS theory 基于压缩采样技术的认知无线电宽带频谱感知方法应用CS理论实现同步采样压缩成像
On the basis of the waveform storage method, a digital generation system scheme for ultra wide-band radar LFM pulse compression signals is presented in this paper. 该文基于波形存储直读法,提出了一种超宽带线性调频信号数字产生系统方案。
Study on Digital Generation Methods for Ultra Wide-Band Radar Pulse-Compression Signals 超宽带雷达脉冲压缩信号数字产生方法研究
Design of Frequency Synthesizer in Ultra Wide-Band Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits 超宽带射频芯片中的频率综合器设计
Design and Computation of the Optical Antenna of a Wide-band Digital Lightwave Communication System 宽带数字光波通信系统光学天线的设计及计算
The wide-band transmission platform is an important means for Tsinghua University to promote distance education. 宽带传输平台是清华大学开展远程教育的一种重要手段。
The paper describe an experimental method of electrical trees in polyethylene using wide-band PD detector and video techniques. 本文旨在阐述用快速宽频带测量系统及影视技术对交联聚乙烯绝缘材料中树状放电的试验方法。
Method of Clock Phase Correction in Wide-band Data Acquisition Based on FPGA 基于FPGA的宽带数据采集时钟相位校正方法
Research on Measurement Method about Wide-band Radiated Noise Based on Vector Hydrophone 基于矢量水听器的宽带辐射噪声测量方法研究
This paper presents a new wide-band and high-gain E-shaped patch antenna based on dumbbell-shaped PBG structure. 本文设计了一种新型基于哑铃型光子带隙(PBG)的宽带高增益E形贴片天线。
This paper introduced a practical pulse-width keeping circuit. This circuit has been used in a wide-band ARM header. 介绍了一种实用脉宽保持电路的实现,该电路已被用于宽带被动雷达导引头中。
Analysis and realization of wide-band frequency synthesizer in hopping communications 跳频通信宽频段频率合成器的分析与实现
Method of HWIL simulation for wide-band radar echo based on measured data 基于实测数据的宽带雷达回波半实物仿真方法
Designing in A Sort of Wide-Band and Low Cross-Polarization Printed Dipole Array Antenna 一种宽频带低交叉极化伞形印刷振子阵列天线的设计
The application of wide-band digital beamforming ( DBF) to radar EW systems is introduced. 探讨了应用于雷达电子战系统的宽带DBF技术。
Research and practice of a novel wide-band cavity-backed diamond microstrip antenna on missiles 新型弹载宽频背腔菱形微带天线的研究和实践