The toolbox catalog and categories that Lotus iNotes users can browse and select widgets from are specified in inotes_config.xml. LotusiNotes用户可浏览工具箱目录和分类,并??中选择widget,它是在inotesconfig.xml中指定的。
This means that Ext GWT is configured, and you can use Ext's widgets. 这意味着已经配置了ExtGWT,因此可以使用Ext的小部件。
All widgets and panels must ultimately be attached to the Web page that hosts them. 所有小部件和面板最终都要附加到包含它们的Web页面上。
Today most Web2.0 technologies provide widgets for complex tables called grids. 当今,大多数Web2.0技术都为称为网格的一种复杂表提供了各种小部件。
A catalog file specifies widget categories and widgets. 目录文件指定widget目录和widget。
It provides templates for creating various types of widgets and can be used by novice or experienced developers. 它为不同类型的小部件提供了模板,并且可以供新手或者有经验的开发人员使用。
The difference is that you can now take full advantage of the SWT widgets and Eclipse framework. 不同的是现在可以充分利用SWT窗口小部件和Eclipse框架。
An eventing system allowing the widgets to communicate with each other on the page by publishing and catching events. 事件系统通过发布和捕获事件允许页面上的小部件相互通信。
This plug-in is part of the jQuery UI collection of customizable widgets and user-interface components. 此插件是可定制小部件和用户界面组件集jQueryUI的一部分。
Standard HTML provides a limited set of widgets: an input box, a button, and a hyperlink. 标准的HTML提供了小部件的有限集合:一个输入框、一个按钮和一个超级链接。
It provides a set of widgets for business designers, analysts, IT specialists, and end users. 它提供了一组小部件供业务设计人员、分析师、IT专家和最终用户使用。
It contains a checkbox and a group of four other widgets. 它包含一个复选框和一个由四个其它窗口小部件所组成的组。
The scrollbar widget controls the view of other widgets, such as text and entry widgets. scrollbar小部件控制其他小部件的视图,例如text和entry小部件。
XBL2 essentially gives programmers a way to write new widgets for Web applications. 实际上,XBL2为程序员提供了编写新的Web应用程序部件的一种方法。
The theme is also applied to the pages and widgets associated with the business space. 此主题也会应用到与业务空间关联的页面和小部件。
When workflows are running, you can use the monitoring widgets in Business Space to see their status. 在工作流程的运行过程中,您可以使用BusinessSpace中的监控小部件来查看它们的状态。
The widgets in this system are simple. 本系统中的小部件很简单。
On screen, widgets are arranged on composites ( panels, windows, and so on). 在屏幕上,窗口小部件被安排在组合(composite)(面板和窗口等)中。
Some Eclipse plug-ins also supply custom widgets in other packages. 一些Eclipse插件还在其他包中提供了定制的窗口小部件。
It creates a horizontal layout with three widgets. 它用三个小部件创建了一个水平布局。
These widgets can be easily embedded in a web page to create Web 2.0 style applications. 这些工具可以轻松嵌入到一个网络页面中,以创建Web2.0样式的程序。
IBM has created a lightweight widget model and defined a standard for widgets. IBM创建了一个轻量级部件模型,并为小部件定义了一个标准。
A related project jQuery UI provides a set of widgets and common GUI elements for quick use. 相关的项目jQueryUI可提供一组能快速使用的小部件和通用GUI元素。
New default and custom table widgets for collection properties are available. 现在提供了用于集合属性的新的默认和自定义的表小部件。
In a GUI application, the buttons, text, frames, and scrollbars are all widgets. 在GUI应用程序中,按钮、文本、框架和滚动条全都是小部件。
The specification for deploying and configuring W3C widgets includes recommendations for how implementations should handle widget archive files. 部署和配置W3CWidget的规范包括了具体实现应该如何处理Widget存档文件的推荐规范。
Using basic Eclipse SWT user interface widgets, you created a completely cross-platform solution to the problem. 您使用基本EclipseSWT用户界面部件创建了完全跨平台的问题解决方案。
A key point in using Selenium to test Dojo applications is recognizing Dojo widgets and recording their actions. 使用Selenium测试Dojo应用程序时的一个关键点是认识Dojo小部件和记录它们的操作。
Technology isn't just about wires and widgets and levers and code. 科技不只是工具和电线杆和代码。
When you drag a widget onto the wireframe, you can use the grid to align your widgets. 当你拖曳一个组件到线框图,你可以使用网格来排列你的组件。