He remains chairman, but wields little power at the company. 他还是主席,但在公司没有什么实权了。
But no GIS programmer, even if he wields the keyboard just to script data filters or hack a tool chain, should have to figure out which data formats and base libraries to use. GIS编程人员即使只是想利用键盘编写数据过滤器的脚本或删改工具链,也无法判断要使用哪些数据格式和基础库。
Microsoft: It is not hard to imagine the worst-case scenario if Microsoft wields its power. 微软:不难想象,如果微软肆意发威,就会惊现最骇人一幕。
If anyone can keep Hershel, Beth and Carol safe while Rick and Daryl are away, it's Carl& especially considering the way he wields a gun. 如果说在Rick、Daryl都不在的时候,还有谁能保护Hershel、Beth和Carol的安全的话,那就只有Carl了特别是在他有枪在手的情况下。
Hammer wields a sword as Prince Andrew Alcott. Hammer挥舞着剑,像极了王子安得烈奥尔科特。
As a current board member and part-owner of the hospital, she wields more influence than ever before. 作为医院新任董事及共有人,她将会拥有比以往更大的影响力。
He wields the sword on the left hand to attach. 左手剑诀一引。
All know my famous blade and the arm that wields her. 都知道我锋利的剑和拿剑的手。
On him who wields power gently, the god looks favorably from afar. 文明而温和地使用权力&对这样的人,神会在远方投送来赞许的目光。
Google wields tremendous power to make or break businesses on the web. 谷歌掌握着左右网络企业成败的非凡力量。
A Pandaren with quicker than usual instincts, Mangix wields his oaken staff with great efficiency. 曼吉斯,有著超乎一般速度的熊猫,以一流的效率挥舞著他的橡木棍。
Atlantis astronaut John Grunsfeld wields a specialized power tool on the mid-deck of the space shuttle. 亚特兰蒂斯宇航员格伦斯菲尔德挥舞约翰对中期的航天飞机甲板专业电动工具。
She wields the whip, but to no avail. 她不停的挥动鞭子,但好像无济于事。
A great king and sorcerer he was of old, and now he wields a deadly fear. 他曾经是一个国王和巫术家,而现在他操纵着死亡般的恐怖势力。
The trustee wields the management decision-making and the business execution in the joint-stock company. 董事(会)在股份公司中执掌经营决策和业务执行权力。
V-neck that a great quantity wields has become Tibet being accustomed to the tilted garment front the style another one kind of manifestation. 大量运用的V形领成为了藏服斜襟式样的另一种表现形式。
She wields a lot of power in the government. 她在政府中有很大的权力。
It is said that he who wields akujiki, wields absolute power. 有人说谁拥有了它,就可以完全拥有它的力量。
In English elementary school enlightening teaching, English wields important level height problem after how training it is said that of nice pupil habit is to concern them. 在小学英语的启蒙教学中,如何培养好小学生的听说习惯是关系他们以后英语运用水平高低的重要问题。
They combine into a powerful sword that empowers the one who wields it with awesome strength and destructive energy. 他们可以组合成一把威力巨大的剑,并赐予使用他的人可怕的力量和极具破坏力的能量。
The quip that Mrs Merkel is the only politician who can stop Barack Obama being re-elected attests both to her power and to frustration over how she wields it. 有一种讽刺的说法,说默克尔是唯一可以阻止奥巴马再次当选的政治家。这一说法表明,她拥有超级大的权力,也证实了人们对她没有善用权力的失望。
Gass is an unapologetic snob when it comes to the arts, and wields this attitude in ways both playful and serious. 说起艺术,Gass就油然势利眼起来,他嬉戏而又正经地展现了自己的这一态度。
China wields great influence among developing countries and is often regarded as the de facto leader. 中国在发展中国家中拥有巨大的影响力,往往被视为事实上的领袖。
Also once fantasized oneself resolutely and determinedly wields thesword to cut the emotions, from this time on makes a clear distinctionthe boundary with microsoft, never fondly remembers. 也曾幻想自己毅然决然挥剑斩情丝,从此与微软划清界限,永不怀念。
Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same. 由谁掌握权力并不重要,只要等级结构保持不变。
Under Horn's Theory of Titles, that's a much better reflection of the influence he wields. 按照霍恩的头衔理论,这头衔还比较能反映他所具有的影响力。
The company wields enormous clout in the car market. 这间公司在汽车市场握有巨大的影响力。
So who wields the clout in this organization? 那么谁是这个组织的掌权者呢?
Face is related to one's social position and prestige. If he enjoys a high reputation and position, and wields tremendous power, others would show great respect to him. 面子和一个人的社会地位及声望有关,声望地位高、权力大,大家都会很尊重他,都会给他面子。
Mutual dependence is strength for those who wields it well, not a weakness. 对于那些能够信任依赖他人的人来说,相互依赖是一种力量,而不是一处弱点。