And just this year she was issued a restraining order for allegedly threatening to 'hunt down and kill' Laurel Wigg and her son. 而且就在今年,Constance被颁发限制令,原因是她被诉威胁要追打并杀了LaurelWigg和她儿子。
Wigg was abnormal. In anaphase of meiosis, many lagging chromosomes, bridges and double-bridges were formed. The reason for these abnormal behavior might be that the structure variance of chromosome such as inversion, deficiency and duplication were happened and dicentric chromosome was appeared. 药蒲公英花粉粒空瘪,这些异常行为的原因是减数分裂过程中有倒位和重复缺失等染色体结构变异出现以至形成双着丝点染色体。