I became totally enamored of the wildflowers there 我特别喜欢那里的野花。
The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain 这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。
I've often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers. 我常想,沟渠中那些可爱的蓝色小花要是能在那块花床上和其他野花在一起该有多好看。
This is a time when wildflowers are all blooming. 这正是野花盛开的季节。
Flowers can be a store-bought bouquet of red roses or a hand-picked bouquet of wildflowers. 鲜花既可以是从花店买来的一捧红玫瑰,也可以是随手采摘的一束野花。
Then have your kids pick some wildflowers and you have a lovely arrangement. 然后让你的孩子去摘些野花,好了,现在你有了一个漂亮的装饰了。
Thomas Edison died in1931at the age of84.shortly after learning how to make rubber out of wildflowers he found growing near his laboratory. 托马斯?爱迪生死于1931年,终年84岁。前此不久,他学会了用他在实验室附近找到的野花制造橡胶。
Every crevice was sprouting grass and even small wildflowers. 石壁的裂缝里长满了野草甚至小野花。
Photo Gallery: Prairies Coreopsis wildflowers bloom on the Texas coastal prairie. 野生的金鸡菊花朵,正开放在德克萨斯海岸的大草原牧场。
So this is one direction that the wildflowers and herbs suggest that ascending humans consider. 因此这是野花和药草建议让提升人类考虑的一个方向。
Wildflowers is the spice of life, and potted a necessity of life. 野花是生活的调味品,而盆花是生活的必需品。
When I finally woke up from many years of dreaming, I realized that you can't settle for dancing in the wildflowers, you have to move on to the platform. 终于在许多年后的一次梦中惊醒,我才明白过来,你不能就满足于在野花上舞蹈,你得向舞台挑战。
A drystone wall enclosed a graveyard where wildflowers grew. a mountain mahogany. 清水石墙环抱着野花丛生的墓地。山地生长的一种桃花心树。
Any of various common wildflowers of the genus Leontodon; of temperate Eurasia to Mediterranean regions. 狮齿属的一种普通的野花;生长在温带的欧亚地区至地中海地区。
On the mossy bank of the river, in the humid air of early spring, the meadow is dotted with dancing music, and dazzling wildflowers. 在长满青苔的河岸,在初春潮湿的空气里,草地缀上了跳舞的音乐,还有令人眼花缭乱的野花。
Pick wildflowers or give a single rose or carnation for no reason. 摘野花或是给一个单一的玫瑰和康乃馨毫无理由。
The wildflowers were still abloom in Jasper this year. 在今年的嘉士伯,野花依旧盛开。
These are some of the dreams that the wildflowers and herbs see stepping down into the human future. 这就是野花和药草所看到的一些正走入人类未来的梦想。
Wildflowers of different colors brighten the rocky land. 多彩的野花装点了这个多石的地方。
Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work. 每年春天都会有一些野花在我每日上班的高速路旁的沟渠中盛开。
Along the roads, laurel, viburnum and alder, great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year. 在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。
Unexpectedly, fun's younger brother, goes as far as uprooting wild flowers, etc.I have found that, wildflowers tragic case of mishaps had been "crowd favorite" of. 不料贪玩的小弟,竟把野花连根拔起,等我发现,野花早已惨遇飞来横祸被“五马分尸”了。
One side is lush, with caper bushes, palm trees, and intensely colored wildflowers. 一边是绿意盎然,有马槟榔灌木、棕榈树和五彩缤纷的野花。
Maddalena Riesling reveals aromas of apricot, honey, and wildflowers. 玛塔莲娜雷司令揭示杏,蜂蜜香味,和野花。
There were all these little purple wildflowers and trees. 以前那里全都是紫色的小野花和树。
Genus of perennial wildflowers of North American plains and prairies; often cultivated for their showy flower heads. 北美平原及草原多年生野花的一个属;常因其华丽的头状花序而被种植。
You brought me wildflowers and I had orchids. 你给我摘来野花,我就拥有了幽兰;
The demand for rare wildflowers rarely exceeds the number of such plants that can be collected in the wild by plant sellers. 稀有野花的需求数量基本不超过这花在野外能被卖花人菜的数量。也就是能收集到的数量大于稀有野花的需求数量。
My favorite tree and pond, we enjoyed the beautiful view and the wildflowers while we jogging. 我喜欢的树和湖,我们围着草地一路沾花惹草地慢跑。
I walk alone in the field, nameless wildflowers Qin Ren's strange smell around Shenpan. 我独自漫步在田野,无名的野花沁人的奇特香味,环绕身畔。