ADJ-GRADED 懦弱的;窝囊的 If you describe a person or their behaviour as wimpy, you disapprove of them because they are weak and seem to lack confidence or determination.
...a wimpy unpopular schoolboy... 不合群的懦弱小男生
This portrays her as wimpy, but she has a very strong character. 这把她描绘得很懦弱,其实她性格十分坚强。
This portrays her as wimpy, but she has a very strong character. 这把她描绘得很懦弱,其实她性格十分坚强。
Because I'm such a wimpy driver, I try not to talk or answer my phone on the road unless it's urgent or traffic is at a standstill. 由于我实在是个无能的司机,我尽量避免开车时接打电话,除非是紧急情况下,或者堵车堵得动不了的时候。
Students with` wimpy` shakes were judged to be more timid and less impressive. 考官认为那些握手软弱无力的学生更胆小,留下的印象更淡薄。
I don't think the wimpy drinkers are gonna last long in this club. 我不认为那些酒量差的老兄会在这社团呆的太久。
Confidence ( Have it): Few women are attracted to wimpy guys and most women are not attracted to ant jerks. 自信(一定要有):女性是不会被懦弱的傲慢的混蛋所吸引。
And it has a wimpy processor, one of Intel's entry-level Celeron models. 它的处理器也很疲弱,属于英特尔(Intel)的一款入门级赛扬(Celeron)处理器。
I watched a movie called "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". 我看了一部名叫“小屁孩日记”的电影。
You may not be weak, but when it comes to money, many people get wimpy. 你可能并不是一个软弱的人,但是一旦涉及到金钱,许多人往往会怯懦起来。
The T.rex's arms might have looked wimpy, but they were extremely strong. 霸王龙的手臂也许看上去很弱,其实强悍。
How can men consciously express their masculinity without becoming cold or closed-hearted on the one hand* or wimpy and emasculated on the other? 一个男人如何既能自由表达他们的阳刚之气又不变得冷漠,封闭或懦弱?
Rodrick Rules is the second book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. 罗德里格克法则是小屁孩日记系列的第二部。
Molly's son enjoys reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series because he finds it very entertaining. 茉莉的儿子喜欢阅读《逊咖日记》,因为他觉得这套书很有趣。
And not wimpy Mississippi-scale floods, either: just one of them could equal the combined flow of all the planet's rivers. 它们不似密西西比河那般柔弱无力,仅仅其中的一条洪流就相当于地球上所有河流的总和。
Qasam drank a Wimpy Darjeeling from Northwestern kashmir. 卡珊都喝来自西北喀什米尔的淡味大吉岭。
Ah Ping ( Chen Li Ping) is married to a wimpy man who draws a measly salary. 阿萍(陈莉萍)的丈夫是个软弱无能的人,收入微薄。
Your boss might think you are wimpy, and maybe your career would suffer a bit. 你的老板可能会认为你没出息,你的职业生涯或许会受些影响。