Design of yaw control system of MW wind-mill generators MW级风力发电机组偏航控制系统的设计
Due to the different structure and parameters, the properties of model rotor are different. The structure of rotor must be chosen according to the property requirements of the working machine which matches with the wind-mill. In this way, the optimum matching performance can be obtained. 由于不同结构和参数的风轮模型具有不同的性能,因此,必须根据与风力机配套作业机具的性能要求选择风轮结构,以求取得最佳的匹配特性。
Aerodynamic Analysis on a Wind-Mill Generator of Horizontal Shaft Type 水平轴风力发电机气动分析
The prediction of flow rate and by-pass ratio of turbofan engine at wind-mill condition 混合排气的涡轮风扇发动机在风车状态下的流量及内外涵流量分配的计算
Every main blade has a small blade in its leading edge, which leads to an improvement in the operation condition of the wind-mill at large angle of attack, that is to say, an increase in the starting moment of wind-mill. 每片主叶片前上方配置一小翼,改善了叶片在大迎角情况下的工作条件,增大了风轮的起动力矩。