Wind Tunnel Test on Windbreak Effect in Mixed Forest of Arbor and Shrub at Low Canopy Density 低郁闭度乔灌混交林防风效果风洞试验研究
Windbreak Chardonnay is a luscious, structured wine with intense flavors of ripe pear and green apple. 防风霞多丽是一个甜美,具有成熟的青苹果梨和激烈的葡萄酒口味的结构。
Building windbreak or small shed mulching with plastic film during the harvest season was an effective way to improve the yield and quality of green asparagus spears in the West Liaohe Plain. 因此,西辽河平原种植芦笋在春季采笋期间设立风障、小拱棚等保护性设施是提高绿芦笋产量和质量的有效途径。
For this reason, a windbreak is best if it has only 60% to 80% of the trees and plants needed to make a solid line. 因此,最好的防护林只需用60%?80%的树木和植被就可以建造一条坚固的防线。
We'd better take the windbreak down to the beach. 我们最好将风障带到海滩上去。
The static and dynamic response analyses on wind excitation of the windbreak structure around the coal store yard of Qinhuangdao Port are conducted. 采用有限元方法对秦皇岛港煤堆场防风网结构在风荷载作用下的静、动力响应进行分析。
They serve as windbreak, serve for sand fixation and provide fodder and shelter for wild and domestic animals. 生态作用是治风速、固定风沙、给野生动物与畜牧提供饲料与保护。
And they act as a windbreak, reducing heating costs in winter. 冬天,树木还可以起到防风林的作用,减少加热系统的花费。
Pave the straw checkerboard barriers in the desert is a efficient measure of windbreak and sand fixation. 在沙漠中铺设草方格是防风固沙的有效手段,草方格铺设装置是自动高效铺设草方格的设备。
The woods along the coast provide a good windbreak. 沿海边的树木是很好的防风林。
There should be at least two lines in each windbreak. 每个防风林至少应该要有两行树木。
An easy rule to remember is that windbreaks can protect areas up to ten times the height of the tallest trees in the windbreak. 要记住一个简单的原则,防风林可以保护的农田范围可以达到其最高树木高度的十倍。
Windbreak of Syzygium aromaticum orchard and wind damage of clove were investigated in Wanning City after typhoon "Dawei" attacked Hainan. 海南“达维”台风后,对万宁市地区丁香园防风林和丁香树风害进行了调查分析。
Eddie would build us a temporary windbreak. 埃迪将为我们筑一道临时的挡风墙。
The effects of the stubble of different crops and farmland windbreak on controlling farmland soil erosion are studied. 本文研究了不同作物留茬和建设农田防护林对遏制农田土壤风蚀的效应。
For illustration purposes, however, I will limit my comparisons to the high yield region. The windbreaks should also limit violent motions of the wind to those areas closest to the windbreak. 为说明起见,我将把这种比较限制在高产地区。防护林还可以限制其周边地区狂风的肆虐。
And they act as a windbreak, so they reduce heating costs in winter. 而在冬天他们又充当了防风林,减少了升温的成本。
We lay on the beach, sheltered by an improvised windbreak. 我们躺在沙滩上,由临时挡风墙遮着。
The windbreaks should also limit violent motions of the wind to those areas closest to the windbreak. 防护林还可以限制其周边地区狂风的肆虐。
With respect to protective forests such as those for water supply conservation, water and soil conservation, windbreak and sand& fixation, felling shall only be permitted for tending and regeneration of forests. 对水源涵养林、水土保持林、防风固沙林等防护林只准进行抚育和更新性质的采伐。
Distribution: The Philippines, Taiwan, Ryukyu Islands. A common ornamental and windbreak tree. Nearshore and coastal biological and geological parameters 原产地:菲律宾、台湾、琉球;原生于绿岛和兰屿海岸林中,现已普遍种植为庭园及防风植物。近岸和沿岸生物和地质情况
For this reason, a windbreak works best if it contains only sixty to eighty percent of the trees and plants that would be needed to make a solid line. 出于这个原因,如果防风林只包含60%到80%的可以组成一道坚固防线的树木或植物,它所起到的效果最好。
The windbreak is barely used in harbor engineering of China, and there are not much design experiences and the standard calculation method hasn t come to agreement. 防风网在我国港口工程中的应用刚刚起步,其设计经验缺乏,计算方法不成熟。
Windbreak Effects and Wind Velocity Flow Field of Low Density Arbor with Two Spatial Distribution Patterns in Wind Tunnel 低覆盖度乔木两种分布格局内风速流场和防风效果风洞实验
Growth dynamics and quantitative population characteristics of young trees in coastal Pinus thunbergii windbreak forest in northern Shandong Peninsula 山东半岛北部黑松海防林幼龄植株生长动态及其种群数量特征
Big and tall trees must be chosen to establish windbreak forests. 防风林一定要选用高大的树木品种。
Sharper associate between the shorts and windbreak, the vivid green color intersperse the sweet spring in the air with embroidering. 短裤与风衣的组合率性俐落,嫩绿色泽与绣花点缀甜美春意。
The wind indices of clove protected by windbreak were 78.7%. 分析结果表明:由防风林保护下的实生丁香树风害指数为78.7%;
In crosswind condition, noise barrier also acts as windbreak wall. 在横风环境中,声屏障客观上起到了挡风墙的作用。
Windbreak net reduction of the wind speed has a better effect. 防风网对风速折减具有较好的效果。