A few days before, a fire had devastated large parts of Windsor Castle. 几天前,温莎城堡的大部分被一场大火烧毁。
Windsor is open to visitors when the Royal Family is not in residence. 王室未在温莎城堡居住期间,城堡会对游客开放。
More than 900 years of British history went up in smoke in the Great Fire of Windsor. 900多年的英国历史在温莎城堡的一场大火中灰飞烟灭。
Windsor Castle is quite literally an antique treasure trove 温莎城堡确实是名副其实的古物宝藏。
They were hosted by Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle after their arrival. 他们在温莎城堡受到了伊丽莎白女王的接待。
He arrived home on February, 3, 1981.Three days later, he arranged to see Diana at Windsor Castle. 1981年2月3日他回来了。三天后,他安排在温莎堡见黛安娜。
In2008 Daniel Glen planned to rob a convenience store in Windsor, Ontario, USA. 2008年丹尼尔格兰计划去抢劫一个位于美国安大略湖温莎的便利店。
1986 Wallis dies in Paris and is buried next to Edward at Windsor. 1986沃利斯在巴黎去世,葬在温莎城堡爱德华的墓旁。
The story was written in a notebook and kept at Windsor Castle, near London. 这本书是写在笔记本上的,保存在伦敦附近的温莎城堡里。
And they now took a new name-the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. 他们现在有了一个新的称号温莎公爵和夫人。
They will form part of the Portraits of a Monarch exhibit starting in November at Windsor Castle. 他们将构成11月温莎城堡的皇室肖像展的一部分。
The house of Windsor is the British Royal family. 温莎家族就是英国的王室。
In this case as many as130000 letters and postcards were carried by aeroplane between London and windsor. 这次,由飞机于伦敦和温莎之间传递的信件和明信片达到13万件。
The king enjoyed hunting and hawking at Windsor, and his hunting sword is included in the exhibition. 国王喜欢利用鹰狩猎,他的猎剑也在本次展览中。
Nor was Windsor Castle the only grand British edifice to host green faith events recently. 温莎古堡并不是近期英国唯一举办环保活动的宏伟建筑。
Windsor has been an MP for20 years-first elected to the New South Wales seat of Tamworth. 温莎已经20年的国会议员-第一次当选为新南威尔士塔姆沃思席位。
Edward VIII& later styled Duke of Windsor. 爱德华八世-后来称作温莎公爵。
Windsor Castle is not quite all that it seems. 温莎城堡并不完全像它看起来那样。
Jack's grandparents were English, with the resounding name of Windsor. 杰克的祖父母是英国人,名字是很响亮的“温莎”(Windsor)。
In fact, Windsor just aggregates the MicroKernel and provides external configuration and proxy support. 实际上,Windsor仅仅是封装了MicroKernel并提供了一些外部的配置信息和代理支持。
There are many great moments to this film, with all the team except Hattie Jaques and Barbera Windsor. 有很多伟大的时刻,以这部电影,所有球队除哈蒂雅克和巴伯拉温莎。
There is a "no right turn" sign at the top of Windsor Hill. 在温莎山山顶,有一个“不准右转”的标示。
These movies also made him the second wealthiest teenager in Britain after Prince Harry Windsor. 这几部电影还使他成为英国第二富有的少年,仅次于哈里·温莎王子。
A serene snow dusts the grounds of Britain's Windsor Castle in this long-lens view. 在长镜头中,一场恬静的雪给温莎堡穿上了银装。
For reservations, please contact Windsor Hotels International or your travel agent. 如需预订,请与世界各地的温德莎办事处或您的旅行社联系。
Three days later, he arranged to see Diana at Windsor Castle. 三天后,他安排在温莎堡见黛安娜。
A key element of the main dining area will be a country table with Windsor chairs. 大餐厅中的重要元素则为乡村桌配上温莎椅;
The current British Royal Family are members of the House of Windsor. 目前英国王室成员的众议院温莎。