They thought that Winfield Scott would be the right candidate. 他们认为WinfieldScott将会是合适的人选。
So, party leaders thought that if any Whig could be elected president, it was Winfield Scott. 所以,辉格党党首认为,如果辉格党中有谁能够当选总统,那一定非斯科特莫属。
General Winfield Scott was sent to capture Mexico City. 温菲尔德斯科特将军被派去攻占墨西哥城。
But Winfield took her arm and pulled her up the stairs.'You're my prisoner,'he shouted at her,'and you're not going to leave.'Then he pushed her into the bathroom and locked the door. 但温菲尔德拽起她的一只胳膊,一直把她拖到楼上。你是我的囚犯,他对她吼道,你别想走。然后他把她推进浴室,锁上了门。
But one day Winfield lost some money in the street. 可有一天,温菲尔德在街上丢了钱。
Unfortunately people have exaggerated expectations and exaggerated fears about robots, said Professor Alan Winfield of the Bristol Robotic Laboratory in southwest England. 英格兰西南部布里斯托机器人实验室(BristolRoboticLaboratory)的艾伦•温菲尔德(AlanWinfield)教授表示:很遗憾,人们对机器人的期望和恐惧都过了头。
With Dave Winfield to make him forget that weren't coming. 就是为了让他忘记你没来。
In his thirty years as a general, Winfield Scott had become one of the best-known military leaders in the country. 在他作为将军的30年里,WinfieldScott已成为在全国最知名的军事领导人之一。
"They do that to get more control and more eyeballs and more people using their products," Winfield says." It would be the same with a laptop or cell phone. " “他们这样做是为了获得跟多控制权,更多眼球,让更多人使用他们的产品,”Winfield说,“对手机和笔记本电脑,这也没有什么不同。”
That was winfield's second overthrow of third base this game. 那是温菲尔德在这局中第二次扔过第三垒。
Winfield Scott was nicknamed "Old Fuss and Feathers" for his neat and tidy uniform and strict ways. 相较之下,史考特将军被士兵们认为是「够讲究且刚正不阿」,因为他总是穿著整整齐齐的制服,而且严格的态度。