Our home games, with the exception of Chelsea, are all very winnable. 我们主场除了切尔西之外,其他的都是可以保证全取三分的。
Reina added: "It was important to keep that momentum, we knew they were winnable games, although in the Premier League you cannot say that too often." 小光补充道:“保持这样的势头很重要,我们知道他们是不可战胜的队伍,虽然在英超里面你不能经常这么说。”
Rune: the Viking Warlord was criticized for being winnable with the use of only one button and a single move used throughout the entire game. 维京战神就因为在整个游戏中只适用一个键或一个招式就能赢而广受批评。
Regardless of whether Iraq was ever winnable, it is hard to imagine any future American administrations making such schoolboy howlers when it comes to regime change. 不管能否打赢伊拉克战争,很难想象,将来美国政府考虑换人的时候会考虑这些烈性愤青式的人物。
A winnable election campaign; winnable games. 有胜利可能的竞选运动;可赢的比赛。
The G20 needs to focus on tough but winnable battles and forget about trying to force the Germans and Chinese to buy more televisions. 20应当聚焦于艰难但能够打赢的战役,而忘掉试图迫使德国人和中国人购买更多电视机。
Think about SOA not as a protracted effort, but as a series of short, winnable skirmishes that happen as change is driven through your market or organization. 别把SOA当作一个长期的工作,把它当作由市场或组织内部驱动的变更所带来的一场场短小精悍的小战役吧。
I hope these guys wake up before they lose another winnable game. I especially want to see some aggressiveness out of Yao. 我希望我们的伙计们,在我们丢掉一场可以赢得的比赛前,醒过来。尤其是希望看到姚明的侵略性。