She's asking for trouble, flaunting herself like that. Did you see the way Major Winston was looking at her? 她那么招摇,真是在自找麻烦。看到温斯顿少校看她的样子了吗?
Major Winston galloped into the distance. 温斯顿少校策马疾驰而去。
Winston could not have read the road signs to save his life. 温斯顿怎么也学不会看路标。
'Some people have more money than sense,' Winston had remarked “某些人钱多但无头脑,”温斯顿曾经评论道。
Winston was not a stingy man. 温斯顿不是个小气之人。
Famous night owls include President Obama, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Keith Richards and Elvis Presley. 著名的夜猫子包括奥巴马总统、查尔斯达尔文、温斯顿丘吉尔、滚石乐队吉他手基斯理查德和猫王埃尔维斯普雷斯利。
Winston Churchill won a war, but he never created an-ism. 温斯顿·邱吉尔赢得了一场战争,但他从未创造一种主义。
On my last night in London I spoke with Winston Churchill. 我离开伦敦前的最后一个晚上和温斯顿邱吉尔做过一次长谈。
A sort of vapid eagerness flitted across Winston's face at the mention of Big Brother. 提到老大哥,温斯顿的脸上便了无生气地掠过了一丝向往的表情。
Winston stood watching her for a moment. 温斯顿站着看了一会。
Winston was dreaming of his mother. 温斯顿梦见了妈妈。
He had not yet noticed winston's presence. 他没有注意到温斯顿也在屋里。
He paused as though he expected Winston to speak. 他停了下来等温斯顿说话。
Five seconds later, with a thundering heart, Winston was sitting at the girl's table. 过了五秒钟,温斯顿的心一阵乱跳,他终于坐在了姑娘的桌上。
He did not look at Winston either; 他也没有看温斯顿;
If you are a man, winston, you are the last man. 如果你是人,温斯顿,那你就是最后一个人了。
Winston had finished his bread and cheese. 温斯顿吃完了面包和干酪。
Winston had woken up with his eyes full of tears. 温斯顿醒来时眼里充满了泪水。
Daniel Radcliffe ( Harry Potter) has featured on this poster alongside William Shakespeare and Winston Churchill. 丹尼尔(哈利波特)也出现在海报上,竟与威廉·莎士比亚和温斯顿·邱吉尔比肩。
Winston: Can it be? We are delivered. 温斯顿:是这样吗?我们得救了。
Winston: After school, I played basketball with Saxon. 温斯顿:放学后我在学校和撒克逊打篮球。
Sean says you and Winston had a drink here recently. 肖恩说你和温斯顿最近常来喝酒。
Mr. Winston, Can you reasonably deny that you have a monopoly in this area? 温士顿先生你能对你在这一领域内的垄断做一个合理的解释吗?
But I wanted Harry Winston Men to be cool and youthful rather than nostalgic. 但我想让HarryWinston男士系列富有酷和年轻的气息,而不是怀旧。
I would have used it, winston, but this is willie, and Willie lives here. 我会用得到的,温斯顿,但这是威利,威利不是外人。
Winston, I'm next in line for the throne. 温斯顿我是下一个王位继承人。
The pain in Winston's belly had revived. 温斯顿的肚子又痛了。