You have to admit that it is a garden, even if walking on the wizen ones, perhaps you lost all flowers once again, but you still didn't lost whole garden! 即使在凋零的花园中散步,也得学着承认她还是一座花园,你也许一次又一次的失去了朵朵鲜花,但你并没有失去整个花园!
Yes, there would be a day when his face would be wrinkled and wizen, his eyes dim and colourless, the grace of his figure broke and deformed. 对,将来总有一天他的脸庞会起皱和萎缩,他的眼睛会朦胧无光,他那优雅的躯体会屈曲变形。
There would be a day when our faces would be wrinkled and wizen. 总有一天,我们的脸会布满皱纹而且变得皱缩的。
Hard wind and bitter cold wizen his face. 强风与酷寒使他的脸孔皱缩了。