IgM can be detected in nearly all cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF) and serum specimens received from WNV infected patients at the time of their clinical presentation. 当患者感染西尼罗河病毒并出现临床表现时,几乎可以在所有收集的脑脊液(CSF)和血清样本中发现IgM。
There is no specific treatment for WNV infection. 目前对西尼罗河病毒感染还没有特定的治疗方法。
West Nile Virus ( WNV) is a member of the flavivirus genus and belongs to the Japanese encephalitis antigenic complex of the family Flaviviridae. 西尼罗河病毒是黄病毒属的一种,与日本脑炎抗原复合物同属黄病毒属。
Transmission of WNV to laboratory workers has been reported. 曾有西尼罗河病毒传给实验室工作人员的报告。
WNV has been described in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, west and central Asia, Oceania, and most recently, North America. 西尼罗河病毒在非洲、欧洲、中东、西亚和中亚、大洋洲以及最近在北美都发现过。
WNV is maintained in mosquito populations through vertical transmission ( adults to eggs). 西尼罗河病毒通过纵向传播(成虫到卵)在蚊子群体中生存。
In Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia, mortality in birds associated with WNV infection is rare. 在欧洲、非洲、中东和亚洲,西尼罗河病毒感染引起的鸟类死亡很罕见。
In conclusion, the ELISA established in this study has higher sensitivity and specificity, and was valuable for sero-epidemiologic survey of WNV infection. 结论本研究建立的ELISA方法灵敏、检测抗体特异,结果可重复,是一种有价值的血清学调查方法。
Transfusion-transmitted West Nilevirus ( WNV) infections were first reported in2002. 2002年,首次报道输血传播西尼罗河病毒(WNV)。
Generally, WNV is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. 一般而言,西尼罗河病毒是由受到感染的蚊子传播的。
West Nile Virus ( WNV) was first isolated in a woman in the West Nile district of Uganda in1937. 西尼罗河病毒于1937年从乌干达西尼罗河地区一位妇女体中首次分离出来。
Experts believe WNV is established as a seasonal epidemic in North America that flares up4 in the summer and continues into the fall. 专家相信,西尼罗河病毒在北美已经演变成一种季节性传染病,夏天发作,延续到秋天。
Effective prevention of human WNV infections depends on the development of comprehensive, integrated mosquito surveillance and control programmes in areas where the virus occurs. 有效的人类西尼罗河病毒感染预防有赖于在病毒存在区域制定综合、全面的蚊子监测和控制规划。
The WNV outbreak in USA ( 1999-2010) highlighted that importation and establishment of vector-borne pathogens outside their current habitat represent a serious danger to the world. 西尼罗河病毒在美国的疫情(1999-2010)显示出媒介传播病原体输入并扎根于现有生存地之外的地方会对世界带来严重危险。
There is one reported case of transplacental ( mother-to-child) WNV transmission. 曾有一例西尼罗河病毒经胎盘(从母亲到婴儿)传播的报告。
Studies should identify local mosquito species that play a role in WNV transmission, including those that might serve as a "bridge" from birds to human beings. 研究应确定当地传播西尼罗河病毒的蚊子种类,包括可能“桥接”鸟类和人类的蚊子。
Health-care workers caring for patients with suspected or confirmed WNV infection, or handling specimens from them, should implement standard infection control precautions. 护理疑似或确诊西尼罗河病毒感染者或处理患者标本的卫生工作者应执行感染防控标准措施。
WNV and JEV were found to have antigenic cross-reactivity. WNV与JEV之间存在抗原交叉反应;
Results 0.02 PFU/ ml and 2 PFU/ ml of WNV RNA were detected by real-time and conventional RT-PCR assay, respectively. Sensitivity of the former was 100-fold greater than those of the latter. 结果采用所建立的实时RTPCR法和常规RTPCR法可分别检测到0.02PFU/ml和2PFU/ml的西尼罗病毒RNA,前者的敏感性比后者高100倍。
By using this established method of assay, the viral nucleotides could be identified in both the infected brain tissues and the mimic samples of infected mosquitoes. 将建立的方法用于检测感染蚊虫模拟标本和感染乳鼠脑组织,均检测出WNV目的基因片段,且扩增效果与病毒培养液无明显差异;
In order to provide technical support for the sero-epidemiologic survey in human population and animal hosts, the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA) for the detection of West Nile virus ( WNV) antibodies in sera was established and evaluated. 目的系统地评价血清西尼罗病毒(Westnilevirus,WNV)抗体的酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测方法,为在人群和宿主动物中进行WNV感染血清流行病学调查提供技术支持。
This article reviews the current researches in WNV regarding its infection, immunity and epidemiology. 本文就近几年来对西尼罗病毒的感染、免疫与流行病学方面的研究进展进行了综述。
The cross-reactions in anti-WNV sera were relatively stronger than in anti-JEV sera. 在抗WNV抗体阳性血清中,两者交叉反应相对较强,在抗JEV抗体阳性血清中,两者交叉反应较弱。
There was cross-reaction either in the sera from mice immunized with the whole WNV antigen or in the sera from mice inoculated with JE vaccine, and the antibody titers are significantly difference. 无论是在WNV全抗原免疫小鼠血清中还是在JE减毒活疫苗免疫小鼠血清中,同一血清对WNV抗原和JEV抗原均有反应,且抗体效价差异有显著性。
Conclusion CPE in C6/ 36 cell and detection of the viral RNA should be useful in discrimination of WNV and JEV, and simultaneously examining the titers of serum antibodies against WNV and JEV may be helpful to diagnosis of infection with these agents. 结论病毒所致C6/36细胞CPE与病毒核酸检测可作为WNV与JEV有效的鉴别方法,对两种病毒抗体效价进行同时测定有助于病原体感染的诊断。
Using the recombinant envelope protein of WNV as antigen, the serum antibody was detected by ELISA. 方法利用构建的包膜蛋白重组质粒(pQE-30)表达纯化西尼罗病毒包膜蛋白,以此为抗原进行ELISA检测。
Objective To compare the biological characteristics of West Nile virus ( WNV) and Japanese encephalitis virus ( JEV), including cells sensitivity, pathogenicity, viral morphology, as well as the results of immunological and molecular biological detection. 目的对西尼罗病毒(WNV)和乙脑病毒(JEV)的致细胞病变效应(CPE)、致病性、形态学、免疫学和分子生物学性状进行比较,为WNV感染的鉴别诊断提供依据。
Objective To investigate the biological characteristics of an imported West Nile virus ( WNV) strain, covering morphology, pathogenicity, cell line sensitivity. 目的对引进的西尼罗病毒(WNV)毒株的形态学、致病性、细胞敏感性、免疫原性等生物学性状进行探讨,为进一步开展WNV的相关研究奠定基础。
To validate the model, actual epidemic data are required. 由于资料所限,还需进一步收集WNV流行的数据资料来验证模型。