In the province of modern literature, his woks is in the front rank. 在当代文学领域中,他的作品赫赫有名。
Get your Szechuan feast on at3000 woks. 来“3000锅”吃四川料理。
He woks on the even surface. 他在平滑的表面上工作。
She woks in a kindergarten. 在幼儿园工作。
Meanwhile, their parents 'electric carving knives, electric woks, and electric casserole warmers gather dust. 与此同时,他们父母的电切肉刀、电铁锅、电蒸锅正落满了尘土。
Shanghai's heavy input in public woks in recent years has contributed to the remarkable improvement of the city's transport, thus greatly facilitating the movement of residents. 今年来上海在市政建设方面投入力度较大,使城市交通状况有了较大改善,大大方便了市民的出行。
In fact, in neighbouring Anhui Province, mobile takes the lead in promotions, handing out towels, umbrellas, cooking oil and even woks to users who make down-payments. 事实上,在临近的安徽省,中国移动在促销方面占据领先地位,包括向支付最低资费的用户赠送毛巾、雨伞、食用油,甚至还有锅具。
The formation of the new punctuation marks in Chinese has a relation to the Chinese translation of Western woks. 汉语新式标点符号的形成与西方传教士的汉译西书在中国的传播有一定的关系。
Drama painting was a very special and important part in all Feng mian Lin's art woks that has strong personality in the creation. 戏曲画是林风眠中后期经常绘制的重要题材,是他全部的艺术创作中非常有特色和重要艺术价值的组成部分。
From the motion picture woks character, the thesis discusses the restriction of copyright concretely, including fair use, statutory license, compulsory permission and time limitation. 权利的限制也从电影作品的特色出发,对合理使用、法定许可、强制许可以及期间限制等问题予以具体的论述。
In the reception theory," relalion "determine the position and the influence of writers and their woks, it is also the starting point and ending point of our exploration and examination. 在接受理论中,关系不仅决定着作家作品在接受过程中的地位和影响来源,更是我们以此审查和探讨具体的文学效果和反应的出发点和落脚点。
The Boundary Line between Works of Arts and Woks of Non-arts 艺术品与非艺术品的界限
Their woks are influenced from types of literature to contents and the orientation of art. 玄风所及,他们的作品从体裁到内容及其艺术倾向性都受到了某种程度的影响。
It can be on the message woks and optimum design through inverse analysis the data from the field using the ANSYS software and continual amended the afferent parameter. 利用ANSYS程序对实测数据进行反分析,不断修改输入的相关参数,从而达到信息化施工和优化设计目的。
( 2) Flexible assessment methods such as the test, writing papers, participation in research projects and creation of related woks to evaluate the students 'electives results. 灵活的考核方式,例如采用考试、写论文、参与研究项目,或创造相关作品等方式评价学生选修课成绩。
This is of course total situation. However literature is personal creation, different woks from different writers has different appearance. 当然这是比较整体的状况,然而文学作为特别个人化的创造,不同作家的作品总是表现出不同的风貌。
Previous woks focused on predicting the average of the bandwidth, largely ignoring available bandwidth is a variety. 以前多媒体流带宽预测研究主要是对平均可用带宽进行预测,而忽视了可用带宽是个随时间变化的量。
Thucydides is one of the greatest of the ancient Greek historians, whose book History of the Peloponnesian War is also one of the major woks that impact the concept of human being. The book has been concerned by historians, politicians, philosophers and others. 修昔底德是古希腊最伟大的史学家之一,其著作《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》也是一部影响人类观念的重大著作,一直倍受史学家、政治家、哲学家等关注。
Program formats can be treated as the content of film woks to be protected under copyright law. 节目版式可以被视为电影作品的内容。
Depend upon the analyse on writers and woks of AFTER 80 we draw a conclusion, AFTER 80 literature is a special adolescent literature which still under mature. 本文对80后作者作品进行了尝试性的分析,并从中得出结论,80后写作当属于青春文学范畴,但是一种特殊的尚未成熟的青春文学。
Miriam was of Jewish blood, and she was so obsessed with the woks of an Oriental woman who acted the part of a revengeful mischief towards a man. These proved that she was a dangerous Oriental woman. 米莲具有犹太人的血统,痴迷于复仇的东方女人这类主题的艺术作品,证明她是一个危险的东方女子。
This paper discusses cadence, mainly based on the piano woks. This paper analyzed cadence on piano works as analytical materials. 本文主要以钢琴作品作为分析材料对终止式进行分析。
We could find that his works involved in various subjects, even not include the woks unrecorded. 第二部分汇总了历代著录中记载的梁楷作品,可知他的作品在各个题材上都有涉及,尚不包括未著录的。
In this dissertation seven methods have been sorted out as to how to cope with cultural default phenomena in translating literary woks. 本文从中归纳出了其主要采用的七种处理文化缺省现象的方法。
Many woks and papers on analysis of implicature based on constructivism have been published. The research in this field is quite fruitful. 在话语含义分析方面的研究虽然已经取得了丰硕的成果,如大量话语含义分析研究专著和论文的发表。
Chapter Two makes a comparison between the theme of the traditional desert island woks and that of Lord of the Flies. 第二章就传统荒岛文学和《蝇王》的主题进行了比较。
Electric switch machine is an important railway electrical equipment that whether it woks reliably or not is related to the safety of rail transportation, and the motor is the core of electric switch machine, so it is necessary to monitor the motor of electric switch machine online. 道岔转辙机是一种重要的铁路电气设备,它能否可靠工作关系到铁路运输的安全,而电动机又是道岔电动转辙机的核心动力部分,因此有必要对道岔转辙机电动机进行在线监测工作。
Second news woks realm that set sociable and can fully announce the fact of the theme is described, moan and groan without being ill, for write scene and write scene is lyrical, but the feeling is in the fact, the scene is in the heart. 其二,新闻作品中所创造的境界是会说话的、能够充分揭示主题的事实描绘,不是无病呻吟,为写景而写景,为抒情而抒情,而是情在事实中,景在人心里。
The Biblical influence on the western literature covers the woks 'contents, language, style, themes and so on. 圣经对西方文学产生了重大的影响,涵盖了文学作品的内容,文体,主题等各个方面。