Each medicine, such as wolfsbane, radix platycodi, cockscomb grifola has its unique function and is precious when being used properly for certain disease. 凡中药诸如实堇、桔梗、鸡痈、豕零等等都有它们独特的药效,用在适当的病症上都是极其珍贵的。
What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane? 波特,那你说说舟形乌头和狼毒乌头有什么区别?
Extremely poisonous plant ( hence the name wolfsbane). The name monkshood comes from the shape of the flowers. 剧毒(而得名狼毒乌头)舟形乌头这个名字是由于它的花形而来。