Abby is now studying her bachelor degree at the University of wollongong. 就读于卧龙岗大学学士学位。
The author is associate professor of geography at the School of Geosciences, University of Wollongong, Australia. 作者是澳大利亚伍伦贡大学地球科学学院的地理学副教授。
A team from the University of Wollongong compared people who paid for a year's gym membership in advance to those who signed a contract but paid by fortnightly salary deductions. 伍伦贡大学的一个研究小组对两类健身会员进行了比较,一类是提前支付一年费用的会员,另一类则是办了一年制会员卡但可每两周分期付款的人。
The second match was between Tsinghua University and Australia's University of Wollongong. 第二场比赛在清华大学和澳大利亚卧龙冈大学之间展开。
The research by scholars at Wollongong University showed that post-tensioned and shaped space truss can resist significant load. Wollongong大学的研究表明,后张拉预应力成形网壳可以承受相当的外荷载。