I watched the locals praying at the Matsu Temple, dating from the late 16th century, with its stunning woodcarvings, sweeping swallowtail roof and a palpable sense of the eternal. 我看到当地人在妈祖庙(MatsuTemple)里祈祷,扫燕尾屋顶的妈祖庙始建于16世纪末,庙里的木雕工艺巧夺天工,宁静悠长的历史感触手可及。
The Elegant Ladies is graceful in color, with fine, vigorous, clear and smooth lines typical of woodcarvings, thus an excellent form for decoration. 《仕女》图色彩清雅,线条细劲清圆具木刻味,形式富装饰性。
The sparrow brace decorations in the Qiao courtyard are typical woodcarvings of the Qing dynasty. 乔家大院木雕骑马雀替装饰具有典型的清代民居木雕雕刻装饰风格特点。
Secondly, it can make wood nano-powder forming complicated woodcarvings directly by PRM tech and CAD method, which may set a new method of wood machining. 在复杂木雕制品的加工中,采用RPM技术利用CAD直接将纳米木粉形成各种复杂木雕制品,可能开创一种新的木材加工方法。
Combined to the woodcarvings, they also have their own characteristics of the decoration patterns. 同时,对比各地雕刻风格流派中家具装饰纹样的特点,结合徽派木雕艺术,深入探讨徽州古民居家具中的雕刻和装饰纹样特色。
What our designers have to do is enhancing and bringing forth new ideas into traditional courtyard on the base of inheriting it. The sparrow brace decorations in the Qiao courtyard are typical woodcarvings of the Qing dynasty. 我们设计师所要做的是要在继承的基础上进行发扬和创新。乔家大院木雕骑马雀替装饰具有典型的清代民居木雕雕刻装饰风格特点。
The Tujia is distributed in Wuling Mountain area, which adjoins Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, Guizhou has a rich forest resources. Forest resources provide congenital conditions for the origin of the Tujia woodcarvings. 土家族分布在我国湘、鄂、渝、黔毗连的武陵山地区,群山环绕的土地上拥有着丰富的林木资源,为土家族木雕的产生和发展提供了先天条件。