Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway. 铺满碎树皮的小路有助于制造林间小道的印象。
From the house, the garden drops away, surrounded by a rural scene of woodland. 从房子的位置,花园开始变低,四周树木葱郁,一派田园风光。
The remaining block of woodland is cut down to ground level. 剩下的那片树林被砍得精光。
On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter. 星期三我们清理了一块海滨林地的垃圾。
The region is remarkable for its woodland scenery. 这地区以森林景色著称。
Woodland carnivores are of all sizes, from insects to animals like owls and foxes. 林地里的食肉动物有大有小,从昆虫到猫头鹰和狐狸这样的动物。
Christmas is coming: While the bear sleeps, the other woodland animals get on with decorating the tree. 圣诞节到了:熊睡去了,树林中其他动物开始装饰树木。
I had to be versed in all the woodland creatures. 我精通所有森林生物的语言。
The main directions of land use types transfer were the conversions between woodland, cropland and construction land, the conversions between cropland and construction land. 土地利用类型转移的主要方向是林地转化为耕地和建设用地、耕地转化为建设用地;
The woodland use right for timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests; 用材林、经济林、薪炭林的林地使用权;
Animals that live in woodland or thick forest. 生活在林地或茂密丛林中的动物。
All the woodland is sacred. 所有的林地都是神圣的。
Returning from the Underworld, Snow White is befriended by woodland animals and cute creatures of the forest. 刚刚逃离地狱之门的白雪公主与草地上的动物们还有可爱的森林生物交起了朋友。