Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems 木虱会侵害活体植物并啃咬它们的茎。
Most species are herbivores, but sometimes one might snack on its own shed skin and excrement, or that of other shedding woodlice. 大部分种类的鼠妇属食草动物,但是有些品种则会吃掉自己的褪壳、粪便,或者吃掉其他鼠妇的褪壳。
Woodlice are small, armadillo-like bugs sometimes kept as pets. Only, they're not bugs at all. 鼠妇身形娇小,貌似犰狳,有时也会被当作宠物来养。但有一点,它们根本不是虫子。
Type genus of the oniscidae; woodlice that cannot roll into a ball. 潮虫科的模式属;不能蜷成一团的林虱。