If the first row in each Excel spreadsheet contains column names, this blend could be flexible enough to work with several Excel workbooks. 如果每个Excel电子表格中的第一行都包含列名,那么该混合将足够灵活,可以处理多个Excel工作簿。
The Apache POI API programmers chose an unusual naming convention for their classes involving Excel workbooks; they used the prefix HSSF. ApachePOIAPI程序员为他们的那些涉及Excel工作簿的类选择了一个不寻常的命名惯例:他们使用前缀HSSF。
For many of us, the start of the new year is the time we often dust off our language dictionaries and workbooks and resolve to learn a new language. 对很多人来说,新的一年是吹去词典和笔记本上的灰尘,学习新语言的好机会。
All open documents or workbooks will close and data might be lost. 所有打开的文档或工作簿都将关闭,数据可能丢失。
For those who are interested in a thorough dissertation of human history, the Earth Mother recommends her Complete Ascension Workbooks I and II. 对那些有兴趣来获得对人类历史完整论述的人们,地球母亲推荐她的完全提升习册I和II。
Open your workbooks to chapter four and work quietly. 把你们的作业簿轻轻的翻到第四章。
Document libraries where you can store and organize workbooks. 可在其中存储并组织工作簿的文档库。
Shared Workbooks do not support the format of your data. Remove any Hyperlinks or Merged Cells to complete the operation. 共享工作簿不支持您的数据格式。要完成该操作,请删除所有超链接或合并单元格。
You can set the default font for future workbooks. 您可以为今后创建的工作簿设置默认字体。
Save and close all open workbooks. 保存并关闭所有打开的工作簿。
Comparing two workbooks at the same time can be hard to do. 同时比较两个工作簿可能很困难。
Automatically records the contents of data entry fields in workbooks to a database for tracking and analysis. 自动将工作簿中的数据项记录到数据库中,进行跟踪和分析。
Enable automatic query refresh for all workbooks and do not show this warning again 对所有工作簿都启用自动查询刷新并且不再显示该警告信息
Give the workbooks out, please. 请把练习册发下去。
You should always remove personal information from controls on workbooks before saving the workbook and sending it to another user to ensure that your personal information is not accidentally disclosed. 在保存文档并将其发送到其他用户之前,应总是从文档中的控件中移除个人信息,以确保不会意外泄漏您的个人信息。
Adds, deletes or edits macro references to libraries or other workbooks 在对象库或其他工作簿中添加、删除或编辑宏引用
After opens the proposal type, villagers then anxious welling up to the reading room consult books, accesses the net under the information help the inquiry from to hope obtains information. Enable automatic query refresh for all workbooks and do not show this warning again 启动议式后,村民便急切的涌向书屋查阅图书,在信息员的帮助下上网查询自已希望得到的信息。对所有工作簿都启用自动查询刷新并且不再显示该警告信息
In most enterprises, you often need to create critical workbooks at a specific point in time, often on a regular schedule. 在大多数企业中,您通常需要在特定的时间点创建关键工作簿,并且此操作通常是定期执行的。
Cannot modify or delete arrays in shared workbooks. 不能修改或删除共享工作簿中的数组。
To change the default font for workbooks created in future sessions, click options on the tools menu, and change the standard font and size options on the general tab. 如果要改变新建工作簿的默认字体,请选择“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令,然后在“常规”选项卡中选择所需的默认字体及大小。
You may not use references to other worksheets or workbooks for| criteria. 在条件中不能使用对其他工作簿或工作表的引用。
Cannot create a reference to unsaved workbooks. 不能引用未保存过的工作簿。
The regular class tuition above includes the textbook, workbooks, and insurance fee. 普通班以上费用包括课本、补充教材、及保险费。
This will set the default permission policy for all documents, workbooks and presentations with restricted permission. 此操作将为所有受限权限的文档、工作簿和演示文稿设置默认权限策略。
When you want to make one or more workbooks available for collaboration in a central location, you can save them to a document management server. 如果希望在一个中央位置使用一个或多个工作簿进行协作,可以将它们保存到文档管理服务器上。
And every four years afterwards. Saves workbooks automatically at a specified time interval. 之后每隔四年举行一次。每隔一定的时间间隔自动保存工作簿。
The English workbooks contain pictures, puzzles, games and quizzes. 这本英语练习簿内容包含图画、难题、游戏和测验。
I no longer escape workbooks that a dazzling red fork, but listen to the teacher evaluation, and contrast, analysis and constantly error reason correction. 我不再逃避作业本上那一个个刺眼的红叉,而是认真聆听老师讲评,一次次对比,分析错误原因、不断更正。
Write it in your workbooks and give it in tomorrow. 写在你的作业本上明天交上来。
Demonstrates how to save all open workbooks, save the current workbook in XML format, and save a backup copy of a workbook. 演示如何保存所有打开的工作簿,以xml格式保存当前工作簿以及保存工作簿的备份副本。