Prepare yourself as you step out and be the world-shaking Christian you were meant to be! 就让我们的信心每日都得更新,我们要预备好自己,成为一个撼动世界的基督徒。
We listened intently to the World-shaking news. 我们聚精会神地听了那条震撼世界的新闻。
In recent years, Shanghai has experienced world-shaking changes. 近几年来上海发生了翻天覆地的变化。
London-the last book inzhe world-shaking harry potter series headed on Sunday for new sales records as millions of read-ers across the globe rushed to find out the fate of the bespectacled boy wizard. 轰动全球的哈利·波特系列的最后一集在上周日创下了新的销售记录,全球数以百万计的读者都迫不及待的去解开这个戴眼镜魔法男孩的命运之谜。
A world-shaking falling-out between China and America is always possible. But the falling-out over the Taiwan arms package is probably not it. 中美间有许多问题可能引发震动全球的争执,但对台武器销售问题可能不在其列。
After more than twenty years of reform and opening-up, like other parts of China, Shanghai has experienced world-shaking changes. 改革开放二十多年来,和中国各地一样,上海发生了翻天覆地的变化。
Perhaps we should be grateful for that, since world-shaking events are often sudden acts of shocking violence. 或许我们应该对此心存感激,因为震撼世界的事件往往是极具冲击性的突发行为。
There's going to be some world-shaking, luke. 会有震惊世界的,卢卡斯。
Ms Read may have sat tight but hers was not the only response to the world-shaking events. 里德女士或许一直在固执己见,但并非只有她一个人对一些举世震惊的事件做出这样的反应。
Earthshaking proposals; the contest was no world-shaking affair; the conversation* could hardly be called world-shattering. 重大提案;这次争论不是十分重要;这次会谈不能说很重要。
The digital technology in 21~ ( st) century has brought world-shaking innovations to human life. 21世纪的数字技术为人类生活带来了翻天覆地的变化。
Through over 70 years construction in the soviet period, there was a world-shaking change in kyrgyz society. 经过70多年苏维埃时期的建设,吉尔吉斯社会发生了翻天覆地的变化。
Nowadays, in Information Age, the development of high-tech has a very deep and broad impact in both material and spiritual life of people. It not only brings about world-shaking changes in the material life, but also brings the social ideology tremendous impact. 在当今的信息时代,高科技的发展对人们的物质和精神生活都具有着高参与性和深广影响,不仅给人们的物质生活带来翻天覆地的变化,也给社会意识形态造成了巨大的冲击。
A magnificent and world-shaking "drama" was performed by political female intellects during Xinhai Revolution on the political stage in the early 20th century in China, which manifested the political awakening and tremendous strength of Chinese women. 辛亥时期知识女性在20世纪初的中国政治舞台上演出了一场惊天动地的活剧,显示了中国妇女的政治觉醒和巨大力量。
Internet brings world-shaking changes in business environment that enterprises and consumers coexist. As a means of business operation based on Internet, E-commerce gives birth to diversified commercial models. 互联网技术使企业和消费者共处的商业环境发生了翻天覆地的变化,架构于互联网网络的商务活动即电子商务得以普及,催生了许多崭新的商业模式。
Nowadays, if someone ask the reasons of the world-shaking changes in China, we will answer without hesitation: the socialist reform. 如果要探究当今社会主义中国翻天覆地变化的根源,人们会不假思索地回答:社会主义改革。
Since the reform to the world, from the first disembarkation of Hongkong Bandao hotel group to the mother land market till now that the world hotel magnate emulatively develop their business in China market, a world-shaking change has arisen on the situation of hotel industry in China. 我国自改革开放以来,从香港半岛集团首先登陆大陆市场到如今国际酒店巨头逐鹿中国市场,国内酒店业态势已发生了翻天覆地的变化。
At the beginning of the 21 Century, as the Enron Event and a series of world-shaking financial fraud affairs broke out, the certified public accountants met an unparalleled trust crisis. 21世纪初期,震惊世界的安然事件及一系列的财务舞弊案件爆发,使注册会计师行业经历了一场空前的信任危机。
As the coming of the Internet Age, China is going through world-shaking changes that exert profound influence on as well as pose severe challenges to our national security. 随着互联网时代的来临,我国社会正在发生翻天覆地的变化,这一变化已经对我国国家安全产生了深刻影响并提出了严峻挑战。
As the discoverer of New Continent, of course, Spain is the first one which was affected. Because of the discovery of New Continent, a world-shaking change happened in the whole country and society of Spain. 作为新大陆的发现者,西班牙当然最先受到其影响,整个国家和社会都因为新大陆的发现而发生了翻天覆地的变化。
In Turn of the 19 and 20th century the century, China has had the world-shaking Boxer Movement. 19、20世纪交替之际,中国发生了震惊世界的义和团运动。
Since reforming and opening, China acquires world-shaking achievement, makes further progress in economic growth, social progress, urbanization development and so on. 改革开放以来,中国取得了举世瞩目的成就,在经济增长、社会进步和城市化发展等方面取得了长足发展。
In the new century, world-shaking changes have occurred in the fields of political, economic and cultural. 进入新世纪,我国政治经济文化都发生翻天覆地的变化。