A thesis can be dozens of pages in mathematics, or many hundreds in history. As a result, newly minted PhDs can be as young as their early 20s or world-weary forty-somethings. 一篇学术论文有几十页,甚至是几百页。这些博士有的还是二十出头的小伙儿,有些已经是知天命的四十岁中年人了。
In such employment dilemma, College Students created anxiety irritability, low self-esteem and other psychological world-weary and cynical, seriously affected the physical and mental health. 在这种就业困境中,高职高专学生产生了焦虑烦躁、自卑厌世以及愤世嫉俗等心理,严重影响了身心健康。
Renouncing the world will be regarded as being world-weary while going into the society refers to playing a given role. A role means a life of rules, shows and fatigue. “脱离社会”可以理解成厌世&深入社会就意味着深入某种角色,而角色意味着条条框框,意味着表演,意味着累。