This issue really highlights the difference between a database-style, entity-relationship ( ER) worldview and an object-oriented ( OO) worldview. 这个问题实际强调了数据库样式的实体关系(ER)世界观和面向对象(OO)世界观之间的不同。
And you are responsible& that's my worldview. 你的确有责任这是我的世界观。
We tend to remember news that accords with our worldview, and discount statements that contradict it. 那些与我们的世界观相一致的消息变得更容易被记住,而与我们世界观相抵牾的消息则更容易被忘记。
Your worldview, though, does determine everything else in your life, because it determines your decisions; it determines your relationships; it determines your level of confidence. 不过,你的世界观的确决定了你生活中的任何其他东西,因为它决定了你的判断,决定了你的社会关系,决定了你的自信度。
I don't think& now, this is a worldview, and I will tell you, everybody's got a worldview. 我不认为其实,这是一种世界观,我跟你说,每个人都有自己的世界观。
You know, the test of your worldview is not how you act in the good times. The test of your worldview is how you act at the funeral. 你知道吧,对你世界观的检验,不是你在顺利的时候怎么表现,对你世界观的检验是你在葬礼上怎么表现。
When he said the word species, he was revealing his worldview. 当他吐出物种这个词,他就暴露了他的世界观。
And so, you need to understand what your worldview is. 所以,你需要懂得你的周围世界是什么,世界观是什么。
This is the kind of immersive experiential learning that alters the worldview of students. 这是那种能够改变学生世界观的、注重身历其境体验的学习。
Instead, they are directly related to the actions we take and the worldview we embrace. 相反,它与我们的行为和信奉的世界观直接相关。
The firm believer can build a steady worldview on solid timbers but still delight in new information. 坚定地持有某些观念的人,可以用可靠的素材搭建起稳固的世界观,但仍然乐于接触新信息。
If we continually latch onto the same worldview, how can we grow and improve our lives? 如果我们只能理解同样的世界观,那我们如何成长,又如何改进我们的生活?
Seeing all this, I could feel my worldview start to make a radical shift. 看见的这一切,使我感到我的世界观开始发生急剧变化。
Still, Mr Cameron's sunny worldview has always been offset by that dose of pragmatism. 但卡梅伦阳光积极的世界观一直被实用主义作用所抵偿。
Today, we have a common education system and, increasingly, a common worldview. 今天,我们拥有共同的教育制度,并且逐渐拥有共同的世界观。
Informed by these brushes with the law, he developed a fiercely libertarian worldview. 与法律打过交道的阿桑奇,形成了一种极端自由主义的世界观。
An Interpretation of Humboldt Concerning the Essence of Language and His Philosophical Thought About Linguistic "Worldview" 解读洪堡特关于语言本质和语言世界观问题的哲学思想
A worldview is a comprehensive understanding of and approach to life. 人以世界观整体地理解和活出生命。
The traditional worldview, values and mode of thinking of the Chinese people stem from a perennial process of historical development. 中国人的传统世界观、价值观和思维模式,是在长期的历史发展中积淀而成的。
Naoko-Awa's fantasy theme mainly focuses on relationship between human and nature, which not only reflects her Oriental traditional worldview, but also reveals her mind anxiety as modern people. 安房直子的幻想主题,主要围绕人与自然的关系展开,既反映了她的东方传统的世界观,又透露了她作为现代人的心灵焦虑。
Girl, kind, gentle, sincerity, quality of calm worldview values. 女孩,善良,温和平静,诚意,优质的世界观价值观。
Deep ecology is a process of ever-deeper questioning of ourselves, the assumptions of the dominant worldview in our nature, and the meaning and truth of our reality. 深度生态学是对我们自身,对我们的自然中占统治地位的世界观的假设,对我们现实社会的真谛不断加深的质疑的过程。
Each of these eight functions represents a complete worldview or attitude about life, the self, the outer world the relationship between them. 这八个功能的每一个都代表着它们之间关于生命,自我,外部世界,人际关系等完整的世界观或者态度。
There's no dignity in happiness, not in this worldview anyway. 在幸福中没有庄严,不管怎样与世界观无关。
Once again, female autonomy is simply not an option if one adopts this worldview. 一旦其站在世界的立场上看待这个问题,女人的自治非常的简单。
Not only Peking but the whole Chinese worldview was shocked when foreign troops intruded into this well-balanced cosmos. 外国军队的侵入打破了中国的平衡,不仅震惊了北京,也同时动摇了所有中国人的世界观。
China has its own distinct story that shapes its own worldview. 中国以其独特的经历形成了自己的世界观。
We can make a positive difference by exhibiting a Christian worldview. 我们能够展示一种基督教世界观,产生积极的影响。
It can help build a moral or ethical framework, and help oneself form an individual worldview. 阅读还能帮助建立道德的或合乎道德的体制,帮助人树立个人世界观。
The third part unfolds a worldview that transcends race and national boundaries. 第三部分则反映出在此世界中跨越种族、国界的世界观。