Many people are worryingly ignorant of the facts about global warming. 许多人竟然不知道地球变暖的事实,实在令人担忧。
Worryingly, however, less than one game was sold per PS3 in Japan this week, which suggests that some buyers regard the PS3 as a subsidised Blu-ray player-which it is. 然而令人担忧的是,本周日本售出的PS3平均每台连一款游戏都不到。这表明有些买主把PS3当成了“享受补贴的”蓝光播放器&事实上的确如此。
Just as worryingly, the number of countries exposed to possible financial turmoil is larger than conventionally assumed. 同样令人担忧的是,可能受到潜在金融动荡冲击的国家数量比我们通常料想的更多。
And more worryingly, this has doubled from the level where it was before the global financial crisis. 而且更令人担忧的是,与全球金融危机之前相比,该比例已经增长了一倍。
Well, worryingly for the rest of the world, yes. 对于这个困扰世界上其他国家的问题,答案是肯定的。
But Mr Policy Wonk's case sounds worryingly persuasive. 但令人担忧的是,政策一根筋先生的理由听上去很有说服力。
But the threat of a wrenching slowdown is becoming worryingly plausible. 然而同时关于一个猛然经济减缓的威胁的担忧是不无道理的。
But both candidates are now worryingly specific in the punitive measures they have promised. 但两名候选人承诺采取的惩罚措施都具体得让人担心。
The situation in Brazil is worryingly similar to the subprime crisis in the US. 巴西的形势与美国次贷危机有些类似,这让人感到不安。
Worryingly, Wang said no "relevant" research had been conducted in the past two years so the figures were based on his own estimates. 王玉庆担忧地表示,由于过去两年没进行过“相关”研究,他是根据自己的估算给出了这些数字。
But the big internet firms seem to have been worryingly complacent. 但似乎那些大的网络企业一直都扬扬得意自命不凡。
Not only are valuations worryingly high, but a large part of Chinese corporate earnings this year have come from equity investments just as speculation once boosted Japanese corporate profits. 不但估值高得令人担忧,而且中国公司今年的收益大多来自股票投资正如曾推动日本公司利润增长的投机活动一样。
Perhaps more worryingly, the long-held relationship between credit card loss rates and unemployment is breaking down. 更令人担忧的或许是,信用卡亏损率和失业率之间的长期关系在遭到破坏。
Worryingly, almost a quarter ( 23 per cent) of people said they felt stressed every day. 令人担忧的是,大约四分之一的人说他们每天都感受着压力。
Worryingly, the gun was never found. 令人担心的是,那把枪始终未找到。
Worryingly, with only weeks before the law comes into effect, it has not yet been announced who will oversee it. 更令人焦虑的是,距这部法律实施已经没有几周时间了,但是现在还没有宣布谁来监督这部法律。
The European Union has been worryingly absent in this growing crisis. 在这场愈演愈烈的危机中,欧盟(eu)一直缺席,令人担忧。
In my experience, chief executives tend to be worryingly casual on these trips. 在我的经验看来,在这些旅行中,首席执行官们更乐意令人烦恼地不拘礼节。
Was worryingly meticulous about trivial details; punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette. 对琐碎的细节的恼人的关注;过于拘泥于礼仪规则的细节的。
Worryingly, none of the reforms proposed so far would have helped in tackling a failing bank like Fortis. 令人担忧的是,迄今提出的改革措施中,无一有助于挽救像富通这样陷入困境的银行。
More worryingly, companies generated their strong earnings from sales slightly below the forecasts brokers had made for them. 更令人担忧的是,公司的强劲利润来自略低于经纪商预期的销售收入。
Worryingly, many stakeholders are being excluded from the agriculture ministry's biosafety evaluation process. 让人担心的是,许多利益相关方被排除在农业部的生物安全评估程序之外。
Many health indicators are worryingly low, including vaccination coverage rates. 许多卫生指标低得令人担心,包括免疫接种覆盖率。
More worryingly, a key measure of customer elasticity the extent to which falling tariffs are offset by increased usage more than halved over 2008. 更令人担忧的是,在2008年,关键的顾客弹性指标费率下降被使用量增加所抵消的程度降低了一半以上。
The last time I saw her she was looking worryingly thin. 我上次见到她的时候,她看上去瘦得令人担忧。
And he deferred payments into the state pension fund& worryingly, as it is woefully underfunded. 由于严重缺乏资金,他只好忧虑地延迟支付国家养老基金。
Although the specific asset prices that are now rising are different from last time, the possibility of damaging declines when bubbles burst is worryingly similar. 尽管目前正在上涨的特定资产价格与上次不同,但令人担忧的是,泡沫破裂之时出现破坏性价格下跌的可能性却是类似的。
But, worryingly, non-food inflation now outpaces food inflation. 但令人担忧的是,如今非食品通胀的涨势超过了食品通胀。
Significant downside risks to this recovery remain, however. Unemployment and debt levels are worryingly high and growth remains weak in many advanced economies. 但是,经济复苏仍面临较大下行风险,许多发达经济体失业率和债务率高企令人担忧,增长依然脆弱。