Ian's rages and aberrant behavior worsened. 伊恩的怒气越来越大,反常行为也愈发恶劣。
His condition rapidly worsened. 他的病情急速恶化。
The situation worsened. 形势恶化了。
In some countries and regions, inequality worsened, as poor people did not reap the fruits of economic expansion, because of a lack of job opportunities, limited education or bad health. 在有些国家和地区,不平等现象出现恶化,贫困人口未能收获经济扩张的成果,原因是缺少就业机会、教育水平有限或健康状况不佳。
His condition has worsened. 他的病情恶化了。
Nearly half said girls 'behaviour has worsened over the past two years. 近半数受访者称,女生的行为在过去两年变糟了。
Overall, the outlook for economic growth has worsened. 在总体上,经济增长的前景已经恶化。
And this type situation has only worsened as the density and capacity of HDDs have increased. 而且这种状况只会随着HDD密度和容量的增加而变得更坏。
It is therefore of double concern that this year the outlook has worsened. 所以,今年贸易前景已经恶化这一点令人倍加担心。
The result of the spending collapse has been an economic depression that has worsened the public debt. 支出的急剧减少导致了经济萧条,而经济萧条恶化了公共债务问题。
As his condition worsened, Dr. Nash suffered delusions, hallucinations and impressions of being hunted. 由于病情恶化,纳什博士苦于妄想、幻觉和被追杀的印象。
His mother's schizophrenia worsened. 他母亲的精神病恶化了。
What's mere, bureaucratic tradespeople's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence. 同时,官僚商人对劳动人民盘剥,激化了阶级矛盾,加剧了社会的动荡。
The patient's condition worsened during the night. 病人的情况在夜间恶化了。
But income distribution has worsened markedly. 但收入分配明显恶化。
High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance. 高利率和潜在的出口市场上的保护主义使经常帐户的情况更加恶化。
The patient'physical condition worsened. 病人身体情况恶化了。
The outlook for hiring and orders worsened. 招聘和订单前景恶化。
Tensions would also rise outside Europe, as the global economic situation worsened. 随着全球经济形势的恶化,欧洲以外的地区也会局势紧张。
Inflation worries worsened after data showed producer prices rising at their fastest rate since 1996. 统计数据显示,工业品出厂价格以1996年以来最快速度上涨,这使人们对通胀的担忧加深。
Although September 11 worsened the economy, the recession had already started. 虽然911使经济状况恶化,但是实际上衰退已经开始了。
The deficit worsened as Britain grew faster than its main trading partners in Europe. 英国比其它欧洲主要贸易伙伴发展更快的同时逆差更加恶化了。
Expectations for earnings have been steadily scaled back this year, as the mood among companies has worsened. 今年,由于企业所表现出的情绪恶化,人们对企业盈利的预期稳步下降。
Gradually, almost imperceptibly, her condition had worsened. 渐渐地,几乎难以察觉地,她的状况恶化了。
As the company's financial problems worsened, several directors resigned. 随着公司的财政状况恶化,几位董事辞职了。
The presence of anxiety or depression worsened performance on some of the tests, the report indicates. 报道指出焦虑和抑郁的出现损害了其中一些测试的结果。
But the steadily rising currency peg worsened the problem. 但人民币汇率稳步上升恶化了这一问题。
As the financial crisis has worsened the impact on the real economy has become much worse. 随着金融危机的恶化,其对实体经济的影响也进一步加剧。