The light green Pantong No and Art worts, please send them to me asap! 请把浅绿色的色标号和图片文件尽快给我。
The substitution of extrusion technology for traditional cooking technology as the method of the pretreatment process of corn material has many advantages, such as a high rate of material using, a quick fermentation of worts, a simplification technology and a low energy consumption. 以挤压膨化加工代替传统蒸煮液化工艺作为酒精生产过程中的玉米原料预处理的方法,具有原料利用率高、发酵速度快、简化生产工艺、节约能源等优点。
Compared with the precious worts, the method proposed is more acceptable in theoretical aspects, and the results predicted are in better agreement with the experimental data. 与前人结果比较,理论根据较为充分,与实验数据也更为吻合。
With the optimization of the test results, the best extrusion system parameters were obtained based on the filtration time of worts. And the main indexes of worts under the best extrusion system parameters were better than the control? 通过对试验结果的优化分析,得到了以糖化醪过滤时间为指标的大米啤酒辅料挤压膨化系统最佳参数;在此参数下所制辅料,经糖化后所得麦汁的各项指标均优于对照。
The size and shape of the filtration cake particles were proposed to be the primary factors to result in the poor filtration behavior of worts containing extruded adjuncts. 在此基础上提出,糖化醪过滤床层中颗粒的大小及形状是影响挤压膨化啤酒辅料糖化醪过滤特性的主要因素。
The results indicated that the resistant starch formed during extrusion resulted in the problems of iodine reactions of worts containing extruded rice. 提出挤压膨化时形成的抗消化淀粉,应是造成挤压膨化大米啤酒辅料糖化醪的碘反应出现问题的原因。
3, Based on the basic principle of filtration, the quantitative research was first conducted on the poor filtration behavior of worts containing extruded adjuncts. 3,本文首次从过滤基本理论出发,对挤压膨化啤酒辅料糖化醪过滤困难的原因进行了定量分析。
S indicated that if only the extrusion system parameters were quantified reasonably, the difficulty of filtration of worts containing extruded rice could be overcome. 表明,只要挤压系统参数选择合适,挤压膨化大米啤酒辅料糖化醪的过滤问题完全可以解决。
In this dissertation the method of orthogonal test design was applied to discuss the relationship between the extrusion system parameters and the filtration time and some other important indexes of worts. 本文采用四因素五水平二次正交旋转组合试验设计,探讨了挤压系统参数与糖化醪过滤时间及麦汁主要指标之间的关系。