Ben Tankard wowed the crowd with his jazz. 本·坦卡德的爵士乐使众人为之叫绝。
As the Hollywood blockbuster Inception wowed audiences around world, more and more people are interested in dream exploration. 随着好莱坞大片《盗梦空间》风靡全球,有越来越多的人着迷于探索梦境。爱思英语网。
When we watch these kinds of movies, we pay much attention to the visual effects and are often wowed by the filmmakers 'wild imaginations. 在观看这类影片时,我们往往过于关注视觉特效,为制作团队天马行空的想象力赞叹不已。
She wowed audiences with effortless, powerful and peerless vocals. 她的歌声毫不费力,富有力量且无与伦比,一次次博得观众的赞叹。
Kungfu Pop, a group of four young male martial arts masters from across the country, combined the ancient art with modern hip-hop music, for a number that also wowed fans at the stadium. 而由4名来自全国不同地区、精通武术的年轻人组成的功夫派组合,将中国传统技艺同现代嘻哈音乐元素相结合,赢得了现场粉丝们的喝彩。
Over the past two weeks, Beijing has wowed the visiting world with its superlative venues, army of smiling volunteers, glitch-free transport and seamless organization, Reuters said. 路透还称,在过去的两周里,北京一流的场馆,无数微笑的志愿者,完美的交通和组织工作,让全球访客叹为观止。
First Lady Michelle Obama has wowed fashion writers with her casual style, use of color and her penchant for the sleeveless dress at the G20 summit in the British capital this week. 据路透社报道,在本周于英国首都举行的G20峰会上,美国第一夫人米歇尔-奥巴马以其休闲风格的着装、合理的颜色搭配以及自己钟爱的无袖连衣裙成功博得时尚界作家们的盛赞。
In his Memorial Day appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, the young musician melted our hearts during the interview and then wowed us with his rendition of Variations On A Russian Theme. 小瑞安在美国阵亡将士纪念日这天做客脱口秀节目艾伦秀,这个年轻的音乐家在采访期间的表现融化了我们的内心,并且弹奏了一首《俄罗斯主题变奏曲》震撼了我们。
On May Day in Shanghai, the screen icon took the stage of Strawberry Festival to realise her dream to become the next rock star and she wowed the audience but not exactly in the way she intended. 五月一日在上海举办的草莓音乐节让她能圆了自己成为下一个摇滚明星的梦,并且她也让现场观众尖叫连连然而却不是像她期待的那样。
BBC One controller Jay Hunt confirmed today that the modern-day drama adaptation, which wowed viewers and critics, will return for three more 90-minute stories in autumn 2011. BBC1台主管JayHunt确认这部在观众和评论家中都大受好评的现代改编版将在2011年秋季回归,仍然单集90分钟,共三集。
Vanessa Hudgens wowed in a flowing white dress at the premiere of their new film last night but failed to join in the fun when her Sucker Punch co-stars broke out into a little impromptu dance. 昨天,《歌舞青春》系列电影的主演瓦妮莎·哈金斯一袭飘逸白色及地长裙出席了新片《美少女特工队》的首映式,不过却没有参加电影的其它几位主演一起表演的红毯即兴舞蹈。
People expect leaders to communicate and they want to be wowed. 人们期待领导能和他们交流,有能力让他们被震住。
Rooney Mara wowed on screen and off at the New York premiere of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. 《龙纹身的女孩》主角鲁妮玛拉纽约首映会上惊艳全场。
Angelic schoolboy Ronan Parke was advised to'not bother to go back to school'by Michael McIntyre after he wowed the audience at the London auditions. 长得像小天使一样的学龄男孩罗南·帕克在伦敦赛区海选中技惊四座,之后被评委迈克·麦肯泰建议说“不用担心回学校怎么办了”。
Virtually everyone living or passing through China is wowed by the country's racing heartbeat, and one team of economists has set out to quantify the evolution. 实际上,每个在中国生活或匆匆路过的人都会惊叹于它奔腾的心跳。而一组经济学家也已开始着手量度中国的发展速度。
It lacked that one thing to take away that really would have wowed me. 这里缺乏一种能够真正吸引我的东西。
However, we have to admit that his latest works Souvenir David, Il vostro sar à il nostro, and Kouros have wowed us with Nico's secret tattoo pigments! 然而,我们必须承认,他的最新作品纪念大卫,金正日Vostro成就萨拉一诺斯特罗,并古来斯也赞不绝口尼科的秘密纹身颜料我们!
As we ready ourselves for a "performance," we envision the ideal: today I will deliver the perfect speech, and the client or audience will be so wowed, they will be sold. 当我们准备好去表现自己时,我们总是想得很理想:今天我将发表最完美的演讲,叫客户或观众叫绝不已,买我的帐。
Congratulations! You wowed your prospective employers on your first interview and have been called back for an encore. So, how will the second interview be different from the first? 恭喜!你在一面的精彩表现已经征服了未来的老板,你可以再次登台安可。那么,二面和一面到底会有什么区别呢?
Host: Scientists and space enthusiasts worldwide were wowed by the deepest pictures of our universe captured by Hubble. 主持:全球的科学家及太空迷们都曾为哈勃望远镜捕捉到的宇宙深空图片所震撼。
Pop troubadour Wang Leehom wooed his fans with his butter-smooth vocals and wowed them with flashy pyrotechnics. 流行歌手王力宏用他温柔的嗓音来向他的粉丝传情,灿烂的烟火着实让大家都吃了一惊。
Whether she's designing architecture, industrial design, or fashion, the2004 Pritzker Prize winner has wowed us with all of her designs which have been presented throughout her career. 无论她的建筑设计,工业设计,或时尚,2004年普利兹克奖得主叫绝我们与她已在她的事业提出了设计的。
He wowed audiences and other musicians with his brilliant trumpet playing. 他精彩的小号表演博得了观众和其他音乐家的喝彩。
The United Nations Singers wowed an enthusiastic audience at a concert held in the UN Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo on Sunday. 周日,在上海世博园联合国馆内,联合国合唱团的一席演出博得了热心观众的喝彩。
After singing on Sunday night's X Factor show, the48-year-old flew to the USwhere she wowed the audience on the Today show with a performance atthe Rockefeller Plaza in New York. 苏珊上周日晚在“未定元素”节目中献唱后,又飞往美国做客《今日》节目,她在纽约洛克菲勒广场的表演轰动全场。
Last Friday, Johnny Depp came onto a stage at the Anaheim Convention Center and wowed the crowd by appearing in full costume as Captain Jack Sparrow, the star of the Pirates of the Caribbean films. 上周五,《加勒比海盗》中的明星演员强尼·戴普(JohnnyDepp)出现在了阿纳海姆会议中心。他以一身杰克船长的全副装扮亮相,引来观众一片尖叫。
Honestly speaking, she wasn't wowed. 坦白的说她没有很吃惊。
In2007, Ms Watson showed off her love of fashion as she again wowed us in a navy Chanel beaded dress with detailed straps. 2007年,沃特森女士一展她对时尚的挚爱,再次用一件Chanel海军肩带式镶珠礼服征服了我们。
Say it loud: you wowed them! 向全世界大声地说:你成功了!
The film's sex scenes have already wowed the world's media gossip mills. 这部影片里的性爱场景已令国际传媒界议论纷纷。