( Colonel Qaddafi` s Green Book suggests that in a perfect state, the government disappears and the people rule, but Libyans note wryly that the colonel has never seemed to follow his own advice.) (根据卡扎菲的绿皮书,一个完美的国家里,政府将消失,取而代之的是人民来领导国家。但利比亚人民却挖苦他说,卡扎菲从来不会照自己说的做。)
Locals wryly suggested it was the sea air in the Dover Grammar schoolgirl's home town of Deal, Kent, which contributed to her success, or possibly a secret ingredient in Middle Street Fish Bar's chips. 当地人略带挖苦地推测她成功的原因,大概是家乡肯特郡Deal小镇的海滨气息,弗洛伦斯就读于当地的多佛文法学校;或者是这家中央街道炸鱼吧的薯条里某种神秘的配料。
He went on to demonstrate that the entire universe could have sprung from a singularity and, in his 1966 Ph.D. thesis, wryly noted that there is a singularity in our past. 他继而证明,整个宇宙都有可能是从某个奇点演变而来的。他在1966年写的博士学位论文中略带讽刺意味地写道:我们过去的历史中就有一个奇点。
It is also a wryly indignant song that rips into the racism of liberals whose reverence for black culture is a crippling caricature of black culture. 这也是一首带有挖苦式愤怒的歌,猛烈抨击了自由主义者的种族主义,他们对黑人文化的崇敬是黑人文化的一副扭曲的讽刺画。
At an August seminar, a Mexican official wryly noted that this time his country was not responsible. 在8月份的一个研讨会上,一位墨西哥官员苦笑着说,这次他的国家没有责任。
Friend smiled wryly when she saw my embarrassment. 我的朋友看到我受窘时讥嘲地笑了。
He remarked wryly on visiting a colleague's spotless lab: no danger of mould here. 弗莱明在某次参观同事一尘不染的实验室时曾打趣道:此处绝无发霉之危险。
The only silver lining to all this, he adds wryly, is that a bottom, even if not in sight yet, is a lot closer than it was. 仅仅有微弱的迹象,他接着说,问题是底部被扭曲了,即便它现在不在视线之内,但已经越来越接近。
On her last visit as prime minister to Mikhail Gorbachev's Russia, Mrs Thatcher noted wryly that the new mayor of Moscow seemed to be a disciple of her own economic guru, Milton Friedman. 最后一次以首相身份访问米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)主政的俄罗斯时,撒切尔夫人挖苦道,新任莫斯科市长似乎是她本人的经济学导师米尔顿弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)的信徒。
He commented wryly that he was not clear about others. 他对他不了解别人的评论是扭曲的。
His mother smiled wryly and reached out to brush a leaf off his clothes. 母亲苦笑着,挣出手来,替他摘掉衣服上的一片草叶。
"Don't worry& I don't understand any of it," I said wryly. “不用担心&我一句都没听懂。”我挖苦道。
He writes in an endearing first person voice that can be both wryly observant and objectively fair at once. 他以讨人喜欢的第一人称语调抒发心臆,让人感到,他的观察同时兼具幽默讽刺与客观公正的特点。
As Mr Kondo notes wryly: "It's an antitrust authority, but it keeps all the authority to itself." 正如近藤洋介挖苦地解释道:“它实际上是一个反垄断机构,却将所有权利归于己身。”
` I see, 'he commented wryly. ‘我知道。’他挖苦说。
Lucy said wryly," mike, if you don't build that hospital, I'll die an old maid. " 璐西噘着嘴说:“迈克呀,要是你不修建那个医院,那我可能到死还是老姑娘。”