It may be "nice," but women also think it's" wussy. "She may not see it, but trust me when I say that she sees right through you. 这么做也许让你显得“和蔼可亲”,但女人也会认为这是“老实巴交”.别以为她可能没看出来,但请相信我所说的,她已经看透了你。
You did scream like a wussy. 你像个巫师一样尖叫。
Wussy you know what we call hair that's never been permed or colored? 你知道我们怎么称呼没烫过和染过的头发?
Women find it wussy, and it annoys the heck out of them. 女人认为这是脆弱无能的表现,她们十分讨厌这一点。