Follicular pustular and papules aggravated in the puberty with photophobia, xeroma and blepharitis. 毛囊性丘疹和脓疱在青春期加重,并伴有畏光、结膜干燥、睑缘炎。
CONCLUSION: Runmuling can promote lacrimal secretion, lengthening breakup time of tear film and promote keratopathy plerosis and has therapeutical effect on ATD xeroma. KEYWORDS: runmuling; xeroma; 结论:润目灵有促进泪液分泌、延长泪膜破裂时间和促进角膜病变修复的作用,对水样液缺乏性干眼症有明显的治疗作用。
Background: Xeroma is a disease of ocular surface characterized by Symptoms of ocular discomforts and visual dysfunction, which is the result of abnormal tear quantity or quality or fluid dynamics of the tear film. 背景:干眼症是由于泪液的量或质或流体动力学异常引起的泪膜不稳定和(或)眼表损害,从而导致眼不适症状及视功能障碍的一类疾病。