Buttons are reduced to four from as many as 20 on systems from other car brands. 其它汽车品牌的车型可能有多达20个按钮,但XTS轿车只有四个按钮。
Instead, this is General Motor's upcoming in-vehicle communication system, dubbed CUE for "Cadillac User Experience," due next spring in the company's flagship car, the Cadillac XTS. 这套系统将出现在凯迪拉克XTS车型上,作为通用的旗舰车型于明年春天上市。
With all available options, the XTS 'price can rise to just above$ 60,000. 不过巴特勒表示,如果把所有可选配置都加上,顶级配置版XTS的价格可能会上升到6万美元以上。
Whether that endears them to their new Cadillac could help determine the fate of the company's most high-profile launch of the next few months. 这会不会使更他们更钟爱通用这款高调登场的新型凯迪拉克?这个问题或将在XTS推出后的几个月里决定这款汽车的命运。
GM launched its Cadillac XTS sedan here in March. 凯迪拉克XTS轿车于今年3月在中国推出。
General Motors Co. plans to start building its full-size XTS in China later this year to build on its existing sales. 通用汽车(GeneralMotorsCo.)打算今年晚些时候在中国生产全尺寸凯迪拉克XTS,以提升现有销售业绩。