Mr. Yangs house is behind the post office. 杨先生的房子就在邮局后面。
So, Chinese people always say: "Three yangs bring bliss" or "three yangs meet bliss", as blessing words at the beginning of a year. 后来人们一直用“三阳开泰”、“三阳交泰”作为一年开头的吉祥语。
Yangs grave, unearthed in Zunyi district, with exquisite construction and grand scale, reflects to a certain extent the economic and cultural conditions then. 遵义地域内发现的规模宏大、构筑精致的杨氏土司墓葬从一定程度上体现了播州文化、经济的发展状况。
Just add more value to Li Yangs company, and I'm sure you will greatly benefit as well. 这样的合作不仅壮大了李阳公司,相信他也会同样受益。
Among the English versions of Hongloumeng, the versions by D.Hawkes and the Yangs enjoy high praise in the field of translation. 在《红楼梦》的众多英译本中,杨宪益夫妇和霍克斯先生的译本在译界颇受好评。
Examining YANGS exegesis by today's standards, he is hard to avoid some mistakes or Time limitation. 以今日之成果检讨杨氏文字训话,既有千虑之失,也有其时代局限。
Since nine is the largest yang number, nine times nine is also called "nine yangs". 九为最大的阳数,所以九九又称九阳。
What Yangs novels require for the middle-aged intellectuals is to keep marriage peaceful and lasting, which forms Yangs view on marriage: traditional, peaceful, harmonious. 而保持婚姻、遵循婚姻、让婚姻如细水般长流是杨绛小说对中年知识分子婚姻生活困惑之后的要求。
Style of science is an important factor on influencing science research, this paper depicted Chenning Yangs view on the style of science. 科学风格是影响科学家科学研究的重要因素,杨振宁有其独特见解。
As the art of painting developed, paintings appeared during the Tang and Song dynasties with the theme of "nine yangs driving away the cold winter", ameliorating people's winter lives. 随着绘画艺术的发展,为了增添冬日生活的情趣,唐宋时又出现了以九阳消寒为内容的图画。
The Skopos Theory, the core of the German functionalist translation theories, justifies the Yangs 'translation strategy of alienation in idiom translation. 德国功能派的核心翻译理论&目的论为杨氏夫妇所采用的异化翻译策略提供了强有力的理论支撑;
The author of the present thesis tries to conduct a descriptive study on the Yangs 'translation activities, the social context they were in and their translation characteristics so as to make up for the insufficiency of systematic study in China on them in these areas. 笔者在所收集的资料的基础上,对杨宪益和戴乃迭的翻译活动的背景、翻译事件和翻译特点进行描述性研究,以期弥补我国译界对两位翻译家此方面系统研究的不足。
Regarding cultural standpoints, both Wang and the Yangs show a strong preference for their own Chinese culture while Hawkes follows the transparent translation canon in the dominating Anglo-American culture. 在文化立场方面,王际真和杨宪益夫妇都显现出对中国文化的强烈偏爱,而霍克思因其英美文化背景而遵循一种流畅透明的翻译传统。
In China, both the full sponsorship and the political atmosphere of "Left" made the Yangs translate highly literal. 在中国,杨宪益夫妇的翻译工作得到了充分资助,同时也受到了当时左的政治气氛影响,因此他们尽可能地采取了直译。
By comparison, we find that the Yangs 'version is close to semantic translation and the Hawkes' communicative translation. 语义翻译与交际翻译有诸多相同及相异之处,通过对这两个译本前八十回的比较我们可看到杨宪益及其夫人的翻译较接近语义翻译而霍克斯的接近交际翻译。
In the translation of cultural factors, the Yangs prefer to adoptforeignization translation and semantic translation, and Hawkes domestication translation and communicative translation. 在翻译上述文化因素时,杨宪益及其夫人主要采用异化翻译和语义翻译,而霍克斯则采用归化翻译和交际翻译。
Meanwhile, due to the tremendous difference between Chinese culture and western culture, loss of culture in translation of literary works is almost inevitable, which is the same with translation of Ru Lin Wai Shi by the Yangs. 同时,由于中西方文化的巨大差异,翻译的过程中不可避免地会出现文化损失,杨译的《儒林外史》也不例外。
The Yangs 'version adopted the literal translation method to convey traditional Chinese cultural characteristics. While taking readability and acceptability in consideration, Hawkes' version turned to free translation. 重在传达中国传统文化特色的杨译倾向于直译,考虑可读性与可接受性的霍译倾向于意译。
As for Chinese culture, the translation of the Yangs 'is more faithful; seen from the perspective of western readers, the translation of Hawkes is easier to understand and accept. 就中国文化而言,杨宪益的译文更忠实;而从西方读者的角度看,霍克斯的译文更易理解和接受。
Generally speaking, Hawkes used the communicative approach most frequently, while Joly and the Yangs tended to use semantic approach. 但总体来看,霍译更多地使用了交际翻译法,乔译和杨译则倾向于使用语义翻译法。
The different choices made by both the Yangs and David Hawkes in translation are actually mainly decided by their different cultural background, translation purpose and target readers. 研究表明,杨氏和霍克斯在翻译策略上的不同选择,最终是由其不同的文化背景、翻译目的和目标读者所决定的。
The analysis indicates that skopos theory can provide a new perspective on why particular idioms are translated in one way instead of another by the Yangs. 研究表明,目的论能够为杨译本中习语翻译策略选择提供一个新的视角。
As for the study about Yangs 'film in Taiwan, the situation is similar to that of mainland. 至于台湾对杨德昌电影的研究,情况基本与内地类似。
This thesis concludes that idiom translation in A Dream of Red Mansions by the Yangs can by and large fulfill the overall translation purpose. 本文认为,杨译本中的习语翻译策略总体上符合了其整个译本的翻译目的。
This thesis focuses on the comparison and analysis of the translation equivalence achieved in David Hawkes 'and the Yangs' translations of the poems in Hong Lou Meng. 本文旨在对《红楼梦》的大卫·霍克斯译本和杨氏夫妇译本当中对诗词曲赋的翻译的等值情况进行比较分析。
In A Dream of Red Mansions, the Yangs generally employ methods of literal translation, literal translation with explanation, paraphrase, substitution and omission to compensate the loss caused by cultural default. 在《红楼梦》译本中,译者采取的补偿方法主要有:直译、直译加文内解释、意译、代替和省略。
Meanwhile, Chapter Four introduces English versions of Hong Lou Meng, especially the one translated by the Yangs: A Dream of Red Mansions. 同时,第四章介绍了《红楼梦》的几种英译本,尤其是杨氏夫妇翻译的全译本。
With regard to the loss of culture in their translation, the Yangs mainly employed annotation and contextual amplification to compensate what is lost. 针对翻译中的文化损失,杨宪益夫妇采取了加注和文内增益的方法来进行补偿。
Through their successful idiom translation in A Dream of Red Mansions, the Yangs have presented the unique Chinese culture to the world and improved the communication between different cultures. 通过对《红楼梦》中的习语的成功翻译,杨宪益夫妇向世界呈现了中国的独特文化,促进了不同文化间的交流。