The old chain only needed a couple of yanks before it snapped. 这条旧链只拉了两下就断了。
Until arriving in Hong Kong, I had been under the badly mistaken impression that Yanks and Brits spoke the same language. 在来香港之前,我一直有一种错觉,以为美国佬和英国佬说的是同一种语言。
Happy Independence Day you pesky yanks. 独立日快乐,你们这群该死的美国佬。
Yanks: My mom is really pissed. She thinks that I could work harder at college, and wants me to spend less time with my friends. 我老妈很忿怒,她觉得我在大学里可以更勤奋些,少和朋友浪费时间。
Two-year-old Aldi yanks on his mother's hair and squirms in her arms. Tears formed a small pool in the folds of his double chin. 两岁大的阿尔迪猛拽母亲头发,在她怀中扭动,双下巴褶里都是流泪。
But suddenly, a male yanks himself free of the bunch and hops down to a dish on the floor. 突然,其中一只雄性蝙蝠一跃而起,跳到地板上的一只碟子前面。
Disapproving the place was full of yanks. 这个地方挤满了美国佬。
Before I knew it, he Yanks me out of the car. 我还没反应过来他就把我扯出车外。
Christ. I forgot how clueless you Yanks are. 上帝啊。我忘了你们美国佬都是蠢货。
Giving the Yanks a thorough thrashing. 给那些美国佬一个沉重的打击。
He pulls up his sweater, yanks out a large black book and a stack of files, lays them on the desk. 他撩起毛衣,迅速拿出来一大本黑色的书和一堆文件,放在桌子上。
The Yanks may budge on the money to continue their recent quest to inflate their farm system. 洋基队可能在薪资上面稍微改变意见,并继续努力培养自己的农场系统。
The big question hanging over the market is what happens as the government yanks its support programs. Citi's fortunes will go a long way toward answering it. 笼罩市场的大问题是,等到政府抽离支持计划后会出现什么状况。花旗的命运对于回答这个问题大有帮助。
Why don` t them Yanks just attack? 他们北方佬为什么不直接进攻?
In Taiping, we visited factories and the site where foreign Opium was burned during the Opium war ( fortunately the Brits were more the bad guys here than us Yanks). 在太平镇,我们参观了工厂和鸦片战争中的销烟遗址(很幸运,在这儿我们美国人和英国人相比还算得上是好人。)
And down this corridor, swinging his distress like a dingy lantern, Van Norden staggers, staggers in and out as here and there a door opens and a hand yanks him, or a hoof pushes him out. 他踉踉跄跄、跌跌撞撞地不时闯进一个门里去,门开处或有一只手把他一把拽进屋去,或有一只蹄子把他蹬出来。
There was a huge upholstered couch, some deep leather armchairs, and a library table heaped with magazines. He pulls up his sweater, yanks out a large black book and a stack of files, lays them on the desk. 有一张很大的弹簧床,几张高背扶手皮椅,一张书桌上堆满了杂志。他撩起毛衣,迅速拿出来一大本黑色的书和一堆文件,放在桌子上。
No, the Yanks are not quite ready to advance. 没有,北军还没有充分做好推进的准备。
She yanks her head up and down, right and left. 她前后左右的晃动她的头。
Can't keep losing my best players to the yanks, can I? 不能失去我美国最好的运动员,好吗?
You both know that the Yanks can't be beat. 你们俩(国人和英国人)知道美国佬是无敌的。
Ask Yanks who have adopted in China about the "red couch photo" and they'll almost inevitably pull one out. 你要问曾在中国领养小孩的美国人关于“红沙发照片”,他们肯定都能拿出一张。
Well, this will be a tough game for the yanks. 真的啊,这对洋基队将是一场苦战。
Xianjiang yanks practice and thought of editing still have important directive significance today. 杨贤江的编辑思想和实践对今天的编辑工作仍有着重要的指导意义。