He had long since given up being able to care for his pet dog "Pepper", a small, rat-looking, yappy dog who was16 ( 112 in dog years) herself. 他已经有很长一段时间不能照顾他的狗“佩佩”了,这只狗今年16岁(相当于人112岁),很小,长得像老鼠一样,动不动就叫个没完。
His yappy, aggressive style is woefully out of sync with contemporary business culture. And his status as the champion of shareholder value was destroyed when he made off from GE with a retirement package both outlandish and petty. 他张扬而富有侵略性的风格与现代商业文化格格不入,而他离开ge时索取的怪异而又微不足道的退休福利,也毁了他维护股东价值的声誉。