The workers expected to share out a year-end bonus. 工人们期望年终分红。
The year-end bonuses were distributed in an equitable manner. 年终奖分配得很平允。
Goldman Sachs yesterday reported fourth quarter earnings, including data on year-end employee compensation. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)日前公布了第四季度业绩,包括年底的员工薪酬。
The fourth quarter of the year is usually slow for Wall Street given all the holidays and year-end activities. 由于节假日集中和年底活动关系,每年的第四季度华尔街的业务都非常清淡。
A couple of weeks ago, my boss gave me my year-end evaluation and it was a disaster. 几周前,我的老板给我做了年终考评,那简直是一场灾难。
I love my job, and I had an outstanding year-end performance review just a few weeks ago. 我热爱我的工作,而几周前我的年终绩效考评也非常优异。
Demand for resources will be more during assignments and year-end time. 对资源的需求在分配工作期间以及每年的年末会更加迫切。
The year-end review offers an ideal opportunity to enhance your career in the upcoming year. 年终考评为你在即将到来的一年里发展职业生涯提供了理想的机会。
Ideally, the year-end review is all about the employee's development. 理想的年终总结应该全都是关于该员工的个人发展。
By year-end, Berkshire had accumulated a small profit in the stock. 截至去年年底,迪尔公司的股票给伯克希尔带来了薄利。
I got a five month year-end bonus last year, but only a two month bonus this year. 我去年领了五个月的年终奖金,可是今年只领了两个月。
We'll certainly be getting our year-end bonuses this year! 我们今年一定可以拿到年终奖金。
I must attend the year-end party. 我必须参加年终聚会。
Syria plans to end its currency's peg to the dollar by year-end. 叙利亚计划在年底终止其货币与美元连动。
Instead of a red envelope at Chinese New Year, he now got a year-end bonus. 农历年他没有拿到红包,现在反而拿到了年终奖金。
By the year-end, however, problems had appeared. 然而,到去年年底,问题出现了。
A team is working on this and a first draft will be ready by year-end. 一个小组正在开展这方面的工作,第一份草稿将在年底之前产生。
Many stores find this a desirable pricing strategy for sales and year-end clearances. 许多商店认为这是进行大减价和年终清仓削价销售时一种可取的定价策略。
In order to attract customers, this shop is having a special year-end Bargain sale. 为招徕顾客,该店特意搞了个岁末大减价。
It expects the issues to be resolved within a few weeks or, at latest, by year-end. 期待问题在几星期之内被解决;或者,解决最晚,在年终。
The only time he work hard is at the year-end cleaning. 他唯一努力工作是在年终大扫除的时候。
No doubt at year-end many auditors will insist on painful impairment provisions. 无疑,到年底时,许多审计师将坚持计提令人痛苦的减值准备金。
To record semiannual interest payment to bondholders, and to recognize two months 'interest expense accrued since year-end. 记录支付给债券持有者的半年利息,并确认自上年末以来两个月的应计利息费用。
To record payment of2%, six-month note on maturity date and to recognize interest expense incurred since year-end. 记录在到期日支付年息2%期限6个月的票据,并确认上年末以来发生的利息费用。
I'll be more serious about looking for a new job after I receive my year-end bonus! 我会在我拿到年终奖金之后,更积极找新工作的!
But the federal production tax credit for renewable energy is due to expire at the year-end. 但联邦政府对可再生能源的生产税抵免将于今年年底到期。
Employers give red packets to their employees as a year-end bonus. 雇主发红包给他们的员工当作年终奖金。
Year-end bonus: depending on operating conditions and the annual performance appraisal rating issued. 年终奖金:依全年度营运状况及考绩评等发放。