The second, seven years later, also in Manchester, was the Peterloo Massacre of workmen by sabre-wielding cavalry and armed civilian yeomanry. 第二次是七年后也在曼彻斯特发生的彼得罗惨案,挥舞马刀的骑兵和地主武装对劳动者大肆杀戮。
He had been Lord marchmain's servant in the yeomanry. 他原来在义勇骑兵队给马奇梅因勋爵当随从。
Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry. 宁作自由民之首,不为贵族之尾。
The yeomanry has been appearing in the history of China and England, however, they walk out different roads by themselves with the development of human society. 英历史上都曾经出现了自耕农或自耕农阶层,然而在社会的不断发展中,却各自走出了不同的道路。