Violent and dangerous yobs deserve to be locked up. 有暴力行为的危险野小子就应该被关起来。
He was later seen nearby 'shouting and screaming'. The agitated yob was breathing heavily and holding a knife with blood on the handle. 但是他的左臂和肩膀已经被刺伤,随后有人看到他在附近大喊大叫。丧失理智的何某大喘着粗气,手里握着带血的刀。
Just because I have made a point of never losing my accent it doesn't mean I'm an eel-and-pie yob. 仅仅因为我坚持永不丢掉我的口音,并不意味着我是一个爱吃鳗鱼和肉馅饼(注:这是伦敦劳动阶层的传统食物)的游手好闲且令人讨厌的二愣子。
Li: Ah, I'm not sure I remember seeing this word yob on the BBC news site. 啊,我不记得在BBC新闻网上看到过这个词呀。
What we are witnessing in this country is the spread of yob culture. 我们在这个国家看到的是恶少文化的蔓延。