Yogis trained in Eastern meditative techniques can change their heart rate. 接受过东方冥想训练的瑜伽信徒能够改变他们的心率。
The yogis say that ham-sa is the most natural mantra, the one we are all given by God before birth. 瑜伽士说“宏撒”是最自然天成的咒语,在我们每个人出生前由神赐予。
While some of these practices tend to look rather Hindu in their derivation, Yoga is not synonymous with Hinduism, nor are all Hindus Yogis. 这些练习尽管就其起源而言看似印度教,瑜伽却不等同于印度教,印度瑜伽士也并非都信仰印度教。
In fact, all the neurological energy of this gentleman pooled and collected at last into the center of his brain you could see it happening right there on the monitor into a small, cool, blue pearl of light. Just like the Yogis have always described. 事实上,这位男士所有的神经能量最后都集中于脑中央显示在监测器上变成一个微小、冷静、珍珠般的蓝色光点,如同瑜伽士自古以来的描述。
Alexander the great sent an ambassador to India in the fourth century BC, with a request to find one of these famous yogis and return with him to court. 亚历山大大帝(alexanderthegreat)在西元前四世纪曾派大使前往印度,寻找有名的瑜伽士,带他回宫。
While many ancient yogis renounced material possessions, others used yoga to gain money and influence. 尽管古代许多瑜伽修行者弃绝物质财产,但也有一些人用瑜伽谋取金钱和势力。
During the typical human experience, say the yogis, most of us are always moving between three different levels of consciousness-waking, dreaming or deep dreamless sleep. 瑜伽士说,典型的人类经验,始终游走在三种不同的意识层之间清醒、梦境,或无梦境的沉睡。
That's very important, because they are tomorrow's Sahaja Yogis and they should be a better quality, because you are coming from another lot! 这点非常重要,因为他们是未来的霎哈嘉瑜伽士,应该有更好的质素,因为你们源于另一个宿命!
The yogis define a type of strength emitted by one who has harnessed their mind. 瑜珈修行者对一种由已控制自己思维的人所释放的力量进行了定义。
Once again I was caught up in the dilemma of facing the collective, this time a far larger group of yogis and yogini's. 这回我又一次到了面对集体的进退两难的境地,这次集体已经发展的大了许多,有了很多瑜伽士。
Midtown studio welcomes all levels of yogis, with classes for each level, plus family and prenatal sessions, private instruction, reflexology. 江阴工作室欢迎各级练,班级每一个层面上,加上家庭和产前会议,私人语言,足底按摩。
The new generation of Yogis however, developed a system where different exercises, in conjunction with deep breathing and meditation, would help keep the body young. 近现代,新一代瑜伽师将瑜伽进行了发展,瑜伽体系在结合了深呼吸和冥想的同时,注重体位的锻炼,这可以帮助人们身体保持年轻健康。
The happy yogis of the Quan Yin family grow and develop through masters love. 观音家族的快乐修行人在师父的爱中成长茁壮。
"After all," she says," how many sick yogis do you see?" 毕竟,”她说,“你看有多少练瑜伽的人生病了?”
For us Sahaj Yogis, the schools program is very satisfying seeing the positive results and eagerness with which they take to it. 对我们霎哈嘉瑜珈士来说,在学校的活动很令人满意,看到这些积极的效果,还有他们渴望来做这些事情。
Since ancient times it has been used by yogis and rishis for the relief and elimination of all kinds of diseases and defects. 从古时候起,瑜伽士和圣人们就用它来减轻和消除各种病患与不适。
People enjoy becoming Sahaja Yogis, simply because they love the company of the other realized souls – it's mutually joyful! 人们享受成为霎哈加瑜伽士,仅仅因为他们热爱与其他得到自觉的灵做伴-这是彼此互通的喜乐哦!
It may be interesting to note that control of swallowing and regurgitation can be acquired, and expert yogis can do so at will. 有趣的是可以学会控制吞咽和呕吐,瑜伽高手就可以随意这样做。
Gymnasts are not equal to yogis. 它不是一种运动。
And, for that love, the mighty yogis practise yoga from age to age; 为了那种爱,众多伟大的瑜伽士世世代代地练习瑜伽。
Have you seen yogis coming to your country? 大家有没有看到一些来到你们国家的瑜伽师。
It is often used by Yogis to purify the Samskaras ( Imprints left on your Subconscious Mind) and establish harmony and well-being throughout the entire system. 瑜伽士们经常借助休息术来净化业力(潜意识的残存),建立和谐和整个机体的安康。
The problem has been we don't have enough Sahaja yogis to handle the number of schools! 问题是我们没有那么多瑜珈士处理那么多学校。
It is important to note that the process makes use of the vast insights and realizations of the great yogis of India and is steeped in ancient Indian spirituality. 非常重要的是,要注意到整个的课程运用了古代印度伟大的瑜伽行者们大量的洞见与自我实现,它充满了古印度灵性传统。
As you may have heard, becoming a vegetarian is a decision many yogis often make. 您可能已经听说,成为一个素食主义者是许多瑜伽修行者的决心。
Nepal provides an idle environment for yoga retreat as it is a holy place, blessed by yogis of the past. 尼泊尔,一个神圣的地方,历史上瑜珈修行者的福地,是瑜珈静修的理想空净之地。
When the moment of death arrives, even great yogis who have transcended the cycle of existence, are for a moment fearful. 当死亡的时刻来临时,即便那些已经超越生死轮回的伟大的瑜伽行者,也会有短暂的恐惧。
This is an important part of Hatha Yoga because the yogis of old times believed that the secret to controlling one's mind can be unlocked by controlling one's breath. 这是哈他瑜伽的一个重要部分,因为古时代的瑜伽修行者们相信,通过控制人的呼吸,可以揭开控制人的思想的秘密。
I can't believe Sahaja Yogis can do like that. 我不能相信霎哈嘉瑜伽修行者可以这样做。
These yogis, who are still numerous, influenced the teaching of several of the bhakti poets. 这些瑜伽士,为数众多,影响了几位巴克提诗人的教导。